Books I Seriously Need to Read by the End of the Year

Posted August 26, 2016 / Book Lists, Features / 23 Comments

big ol tbr

I have a lot of books I’m kind of “obligated” to read throughout the year, for various reasons, and that always affects my TBR. But I’m talking about the books I am ALWAYS saying I can’t wait to read… and then I ignore them. I mean, I created an entire challenge around this issue! That’s actually part of the reason for this post. I still need to get going on some of those. I always am baffled by how many books I have left to read that I just couldn’t wait to get my hands on for one reason or another.

2016 hyped fave auth why must read 16

23 responses to “Books I Seriously Need to Read by the End of the Year

  1. The only one I’ve read so far is Burn For Burn and I enjoyed it. I should really pick up he next in the series.

    You have a lot on your list that I’d love to read.

    Hope you can get through some of these.

  2. How to Love is at the top of my list now that I read and loved 99 Days! I also just got the Burn for Burn trilogy and someone told me that it’s very seasonal and takes place in the Fall so now I’m hoping to get to it even sooner<3!

  3. Lauren! You have sooooo many books on here that you definitely should get to, just because they’re absolutely brilliant. The Choices We Make is for when you’re in the mood for a tough, emotional adult read that handles a sensitive topic brilliantly. How to Love is a YA book that also tackles a complicated romantic relationship; What I Thought Was True is also one of those stories. Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour is really fun, with a hint of more serious issues. Rebound is a fun NA read; Loop is a timey wimey interesting sort of story. And Girl Before a Mirror is just WONDERFUL. I hope you get to all of these (or as many of these as possible) before the end of the year!

  4. I loved the Burn for Burn series. It’s like Carrie (Stephen King) and PLL meeting up. With Malice might be my fave book of 2016. I’ve been on the lookout for YA Mysteries for MONTHS and I finally found one to fulfill my expectations! What I Thought Was True and This is Your Afterlife and Things I Can’t Explain are all MUSTS for me too!!

  5. There are some seriously amazing books in your TBR! The Art of Lainey, What I Thought Was True, Shut Out, Being Sloane Jacobs, Loop!
    I tried The Love That Split the World and it unfortunately didn’t work for me. I felt meh about Love & Gelato and With Malice. Hopefully, you’ll have better luck with those than I did.
    Happy reading!

  6. We all have that pile that we were so excited about at some point and yet we still haven’t read the books! lol Rebound is on my list as well. Sometimes I am really bad at finishing series unless they are like my all time favorites like Throne of Glass or Cinder. Great post and good luck getting to all of your books! There are some good ones on there.

  7. I love Love & Gelato was cute! It’s a quick read too. I loved Amy & Roger’s Epic Detour too! Speaking of books I need to read, I have to read Morgan Matson’s latest. Ahhhh The Art of Lainey! I still need to read Blythewood and Trial by Fire myself. I have books that I push off for no reason too, books I’m really excited for! It’s so silly. Good luck with your reading!

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