State of the ARC is hosted by AvalinahsBooks, which is a fun way to share our ARC progress (or lack thereof!). Instead of linking up monthly, I’ll be making a quarterly post to check in on my ARC-related progress, especially as it pertains to my 2018 Netgalley & Edelweiss Challenge progress. I will not be including physical ARCs here because most of them are borrowed from friends and/or I don’t have as much trouble reading ones from the publisher. This will only be to help me with NG & EW.
Current Netgalley Percentage: 71%
Each quarter, I’ll recap the ARCs I read from my Netgalley and Edelweiss accounts…
Egalleys Read: 12
…and then I’ll share which ones I have left to read, listed in release date order.
2018 Releases: 14
Backlist: 18
Looks like you got to a lot! I feel like I am doing well with”current” ARCs but not with my backlist.