I never know what to say in these things anymore … clearly, since I didn’t even bother writing a post last year? This one isn’t going to feature a giveaway or statistics or anything. I’m just going to talk for a little bit and pop in some favorites/pictures/etc. Enjoy it or skip it in your reader. 😉
The hobby quitter
I am well-known for starting hobbies or sports and quitting them quickly. A brief rundown of things I’ve done for a year or less: playing clarinet, gymnastics, basketball, softball, knitting, bullet journaling, planners (with all the stickers – I still use them for regular plain planning), calligraphy or lettering, various other blogs over the years, sort of starting a consulting business, various blog features that never got going, rainbow loom, friendship bracelets, crafting/bookmark-making… the list goes on. I can never say enough how proud of myself I am for sticking with this book blogging thing for four years straight. Aside from being a reader my whole life, this is the ONE hobby I’ve stuck with for this long. I have a few other things that have been stable in the background lately (mostly Lego and wrestling) but neither of them for four years.
Why I keep going
Honestly, my reasons for blogging still are somewhat selfish. I have the WORST memory ever, so I use my blog to record alllll of my thoughts. This is why I’ve expanded beyond book blogging in a lot of ways. I talk about my personal life, my favorite things, shows or other media on my watch list… because otherwise I’ll probably forget about them. It makes things even better that a lot of you take the time to read my words still, and especially people who keep commenting even though I am GARBAGE about commenting back or even replying.
Shoutout city
I’ve met quite a few blog friends in my day, but I have to admit that I am TERRIBLE about taking pictures with people. I always feel awkward even though yes we’re all bloggers and we KNOW they need to make it on there! Some picture highlights below from some excellent ladies…
Cristina has been my bestie from day one, basically. We started at similar times and have kept in close contact (usually multiple times a week in some way or another) over the past four years. We have similar reading tastes and feelings on books… as well as other things in life! We’ve grown closer as the years have gone by and finally got to meet in person last month, and it was just as excellent as we both hoped! I can’t say too much more without going on forever but Cristina will always be my fave <3
I talk to my Game of Throwsladies every day and could probably go on and on forever about their importance too, but I’ll refrain. It means everything to have people you can come to about ANYTHING and you get understanding, acceptance, and the best “LET ME AT EM” attitude when someone screws you over. Marg, Lindsay, Morgan, Tonya, Jess, Andi, Ellice, and Wendy – thank you guys for everything!
The group of OG bloggers that took me under their wings for multiple book events (and just general friendship early in my blogging days) will always deserve a shoutout, even though it’s been years since I’ve seen them now!! Amy, Alyssa, and Brittany will have the most special place in my heart for taking this newbie around and really helping me get myself established in the blogosphere.
I’m going to throw around some other love to some of my favorite bloggers and people that I can always count on for a nice chat on Twitter or a comment section: Laura, Lindsey, Carrie, Madalyn, Grace, Sarah, Michelle, Nick, Ginger, Jamie, and a million other people I’m totally forgetting, thank you <3
Congratulations! That’s amazing!
Congrats on 4 years!
Happy blogoversary, Lauren! Four years is absolutely something to be proud of. Thanks so much for the shoutout, too– your blog has been one of my faves ever since I started blogging, and I always love hearing your thoughts (whether they be on books, other media, or just life in general)! Also WE HAVE TO MEET IN PERSON ONE DAY, OKAY? It’s gonna happen.
Happy blogoversary! 4 years is amazing. I love stopping by here and hope to for many years to come. Thanks for the shout out ❤
Happy Blogiversary Lauren! You are doing great things here on your blog and it’s one of my favorite blog stops on my daily blog hop. Keep up the good work!
Happy blogoversary, Lauren!! I’m also kind of meh about blogoversaries (my fourth was in April and I have yet to make a post…) but it’s kind of exciting to realize that you’ve almost been blogging for half a decade 🙂 I hope you have a wonderful fifth year!
Laura @BlueEyeBooks
Happy anniversary!