ARC August 2018 Sign-Up and TBR

Posted July 19, 2018 / Book Challenges, Features, TBR Lists / 5 Comments

I’m excited to join another round of ARC August! I have some goals to get my ARC percentage to 80% by the end of the year, so this challenge will be a nice push for both backlist books and some coming later this year. I will probably focus mostly on egalleys, with maybe 2-4 physical ARCs in between, so I can focus on the NG/EW Challenge I’m working on. Here is where I’ll outline my goals, TBR, readathon plans, and bookish bingo. All of the details for this challenge can be found here!

Goals and Plans

I really would love to somehow get my Netgalley percentage up to 80% this month but I don’t think it’ll be super feasible. I’m currently stuck around 71% and definitely need to read more than 10 books to improve. I hope to read mostly ARCs throughout the month, again primarily egalleys. My goal is for 75% of the books I read in August to be ARCs, that way I don’t have a set number to stress about. I have been reading 10+ books each month so that looks like 7 or 8 if I stick to what I assume will happen. I’m going to include 3-5 books in each category below so I have a good mix to pick from. I’ll let my mood reading guide me so I’m not going to make restrictions about how many from each section.

Possible TBR

Backlist or Pre-July Egalleys

The Impossibility of UsAlmost ImpossibleThe Future She Left BehindValley Girls

Upcoming or August Egalleys

Broken ThingsSadieToil & Trouble: 15 Tales of Women & WitchcraftThe Last Wish of Sasha CadeThe Adults

Physical ARCs

The Opposite of HereThe Universe Is Expanding and So Am I (Virginia Shreves #2)One and Only (Bridesmaids Behaving Badly #1)

Readathon (August 4-5th)

There is a set readathon for 48 hours to see how many books you can squeeze in during that timeframe. I currently plan to participate but I do have a few plans that weekend that could interfere. Hopefully I will knock out at least two books though!

Bookish Bingo

Bingo card to come on August 1st!

5 responses to “ARC August 2018 Sign-Up and TBR

  1. I am also planning on participating in ARC August! Sadie was really great; I can’t wait to discuss when you finish it! I am so excited to hear your thoughts on Toil & Trouble, as it’s one of my most-anticipated releases of the year. Good luck with your TBR!!

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