What is the Pondathon?
The Pondathon is a co-operative and story-driven readathon hosted and run by CW from The Quiet Pond. The aim of the Pondathon is to read books and collect points to protect the friends over at The Quiet Pond from the encroaching malevolent forces that threaten our friends in the forest.
Have fun participating in the Pondathon readathon by joining one of five teams, each with a unique way to collect points and signing up! You can also follow the story of the Pondathon as it unfolds, and participants can also complete ‘side quests’ during the readathon to collect extra points. The readathon takes place from January 24th 2020 to March 7th 2020. More information about the readathon can be found here.
Information about Joining the Pondathon
- To join the Pondathon, simply sign up anytime between January 18th 2020 to March 5th 2020.
- Choose a team, create your own animal character for the Pondathon and create a character card!
- Create a blog post, bookstagram post, booktube video, Twitter thread, or whatever medium you wish, with ‘#Pondathon’ in the title or your tweet. Share the character you have created and your character card!
- Link back to this post so that others can find this readathon and join in.
Share your updates on your blog/bookstagram/booktube and social media. You are more than welcome to tag @thequietpond or @artfromafriend on Twitter or Instagram in all your updates! We’d love to see all of the beautiful and awesome characters that you create!
My Pond Character
I am always going to be a sucker for readathons where you can create some kind of character or design like this! I kept mine super simple by using my name and my blog name. I made a little otter with a mushroom cap, book, necklace, and flower. I’m going to be on Team Xiaolong (at least for now) because reading a lot during this time period is currently more important to me than WHAT I’m reading. I don’t have an immediate TBR focused around buddy reads, genres, etc. so I don’t want to make anything harder on myself. I’ll be just collecting points based on reading books / listening to audiobooks in general. Therefore, my usual TBRs don’t have to change for January through early March. Here are the rules for this team:
Progression: No tricks or gimmicks! Join Team Xiaolong and gain points by reading – it’s as simple as that! For every 10 pages/15 minutes (of the total time on the audiobook) that you read, you gain 1 point.
Xiaolong team bonus: For every book you finish, Xiaolong’s team fights with more spirit and hope. Give yourself an extra 15 points!
My Pondathon TBR & Bujo
I’ll be following my usual TBRs for this challenge, since there aren’t any specific challenges or prompts to meet. My team will generally just be reading! I’ll be pulling books primarily my February TBR (coming 1/30), a few books from January that I haven’t finished and will push to do at the end of the month, and then the very beginning of my March TBR… whatever that may look like!
I made a little spread in my bullet journal as well for tracking my reads:
My Pondathon Progress
There’s a form to fill out to get points each day, but I want to include my progress here as well. It’ll be easy to track how many pages I read per day or how many minutes of audio that I listen to beginning on January 24th (tomorrow). Two of these books were started right before the readathon began, so the page numbers you see below will relate specifically to the pages I read and tracked *during* the readathon.
A Heart So Fierce and Broken by Brigid Kemmerer
Read 1/22 through 1/28 | 384 pages = 38 points + 15 points = 53 points
Blitzed by Alexa Martin
Read 1/20 through 1/30 | 219 pages = 21 points + 15 points = 36 points
Killing November by Adriana Mather
Read 1/28 through 1/31 | 368 pages = 36 points + 15 points = 51 points
The King of Crows by Libba Bray
Read 2/3 through 2/8 | 560 pages = 56 points + 15 points = 71 points
Come Tumbling Down by Seanan McGuire
Read 2/11 through 2/12 | 206 pages = 20 points + 15 points = 35 points
Laurennnnn every time I think you have finalized your challenges for the year you sign up for another LOL
ALWAYS hahaha at least this is just a readathon instead of a full year challenge, right????