My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.
July TBR
I did a pretty good job of reading books from my TBR from June! I definitely have some that are rolling over but I have good plans for them this month. I think the biggest miss was not getting to KOS in June. Regardless, a good jumping off point for July!
My TBR for Summerween is a little aggressive maybe but five books in one week (where one is a graphic novel) is definitely doable! Here are the prompts and generally what I plan to read for them: black on the cover (KITTY KARR), set in autumn (THE LEGACIES), a thriller (DARK CORNERS), read in the dark (LIVE AND LET CHAI), and a graphic novel (ENOLA HOLMES). Summerween starts on July 7th and I’m really pumped to participate!
Leftover from June & New Releases
I’m lumping these together because they all mostly fall into the “new release” category from the last few months, with the exception of KINGDOM OF ASH – I’m hoping to finally finish the TOG series this month and read KOS in the second half of the month once Summerween ends. I had THE HALF MOON and YELLOWFACE on my TBR from June and am hoping to get to both of them soon. THE WISHING GAME is a new BOTM pick as well as the Patreon book club selection for Liv’s Library. PINEAPPLE STREET and DEATH OF A BOOKSELLER are new books I have as physical copies as well as audiobooks from the library so definitely want to prioritize them.
Review Copies
I read a few egalleys last month but there are some others I definitely should get to soon! THE DAYDREAMS, GOING BICOASTAL and SAME TIME NEXT SUMMER all came out in May/June so they’re overdue. BUSINESS OR PLEASURE is a late June one that I cannot believe I haven’t read yet. I have a few audiobooks from Scribd here too, which should help move things along. I don’t want to be SUPER behind on review copies during ARC August but I know I will have some leeway there.
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