Gimme the Books (1)

Posted August 23, 2017 / Features, Gimme the Books / 6 Comments

I’ve written a few posts to talk about books I’m super excited about that haven’t been released yet, but I felt like adding to that title repeatedly like I had been doing was a bit much. See early posts here: 1, 2, and 3. I decided to make this into a realistic regular feature where I do kind of a Waiting on Wednesday wrap-up post for when I add books to my TBR and “jazzed up for this” Goodreads shelf.

All We Can Do Is Wait This Heart of Mine Together at Midnight

All We Do is Wait by Richard Lawson {February 2018}

I love the idea of characters meeting in a hospital waiting room. I have a feeling this one will obviously pull on the heartstrings, but people pulled together in interesting circumstances is a book plot I’ll always add to the TBR. I also love that this takes place in Mass!

This Heart of Mine by CC Hunter {February 2018}

Again, people pulled together in unique circumstances. I’ve always been fascinated by books involving organ donation and this one is no exception. The twin brother of the boy whose heart she is receiving doesn’t believe his brother committed suicide, and the two of them grow closer.

Together at Midnight by Jennifer Castle {January 2018}

Holiday books are my favorite and I don’t think there are as many New Years stories as there should be! This book involves random acts of kindness after witnessing an accident. The two characters seem to have interesting backstories so I’m curious to see how they come together in time for a midnight kiss.

Love and Other Train Wrecks No Filter Starry Eyes

Love & Other Train Wrecks by Lean Konen {January 2018}

Another interesting circumstance – meeting on a train in a snowstorm! I love books that have some kind of whirlwind meeting and romance, especially in such a cozy setting. I’ve seen a few books where characters meet during layovers or delays in airports, so this seems similar but wintery!

No Filter by Orlagh Collins {March 2018}

This one is a little different than the others here. I’m not big on sad contemporaries too much (give me the fluff) but I like this one. The idea of a girl being stuck on an island with her grandma and no wifi intrigues me. She has to ~live in the now~ instead of posting on the internet all the time. We’ll see.

Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett {April 2018}

JENN BENNETT YES GIVE ME IT. Anything she writes please. “With no one but each other for company, Zorie and Lennon have no choice but to hash out their issues via witty jabs and insults as they try to make their way to safety.” Uuuuh yes hate-to-love stuck in the wilderness please.

It Only Happens in the Movies A Dangerous Year (Riley Collins, #1) Haunting the Deep (How to Hang a Witch, #2)

It Only Happens in the Movies by Holly Bourne {October 2017}

I’m intrigued by this one because the romance is set in a movie theater. Yesss please. It seems like it’ll be a little messy too, which is okay, but I’ll have to wait until I’m in the mood for it I think. I liked the other movie-centered contemporary I read but it seems like it’s not quite the same here.

A Dangerous Year by Kes Trester {September 2017}

This synopsis has the words “Connecticut” and “boarding school” so you can guess how quickly I added this to my TBR. I don’t have too much experience with teen spy novels but I feel like this could be a lot of fun! And it’s a series, so who knows where it’ll go next.

Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mater {October 2017}

I’m kind of absurdly excited for this sequel. I really enjoyed the first book but freaked out when I saw that this one involved the Titanic. I can’t believe this author has family connections to the Salem Witch Trials AND to the Titanic. What an interesting (and sad lol) history to explore.

6 responses to “Gimme the Books (1)

  1. I had only heard of Starry Eyes on this list, which yes I NEED! Have you read Jenn’s adult books by the way? They are just as good, actually even better, than her YA!
    I’m intrigued by This Heart of Mine and It Only Happens in the Movies. Holly Bourne is very popular in the UKYA community, so I’m definitely curious.

  2. I feel like No Filter is either going to be amazing or real bad. ha I am super excited for All We Can Do is Wait and Love & Other Train Wrecks. Thanks for bringing those to my attention! I also LOVE the covers. 😀 Too bad we have to wait so long for these beauties.

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