The reading quest is hosted by Read at Midnight (information here!) and runs from August 13th through September 10th. My sign-up is here. I’ll be doing weekly tracking and wrap-up posts each Friday or Saturday throughout the readathon so you can see my progress and goals as they develop.
This Week’s Thoughts
I finished The Dazzling Heights a day or two later than projected because it dragged a little bit, TBH. I decided to jump into Love & Gelato for the Respawn box (giving another chance to a book you previously DNFed). I have kind of put that one on pause yet again because for some reason I just don’t have much desire to read it. I am determined to finish it by the end of this quest! I read Gilded Ashes to get one of the quick/novella boxes done, and I really enjoyed it. I’ve moved my TBR around a little bit by starting The Knowing to work further on my Knight’s quest – a book with a verb in its title. I also have an ebook expiring from the library (Always) that I think I’ll start tomorrow for the Open World freebie box. My quest board is looking pretty good! (Cristina and I pushed our A-List reread out another week, so I have more flexibility to read other things first.)
Week 2 Progress & Tracking
The dates you see below are the dates I start and finish books, so you won’t see every date there.
It’ll be running totals and information about each book and how it applies to the quest itself.
August 17th – 22nd
Book: The Dazzling Heights by Katharine McGee
Source/format: Egalley from Edelweiss/publisher
Quest board: Time Warp (side quest)
Points: 10 EXP and 43 HP
Points counted in week one
August 20th – Present/On Hold
Book: Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch
Source/format: Paperback, owned
Quest board: Respawn (side quest)
Points: 10 EXP and 39 HP
August 24th
Book: Gilded Ashes by Rosamund Hodge
Source/format: Ebook from Scribd
Quest board: Expansion (side quest)
Points: 10 EXP and 11 HP
August 25th – Present
Book: The Knowing by Sharon Cameron
Source/format: ARC borrowed from Ellice
Quest board: Book with a verb in its title
Points: 10 EXP and 45 HP
Starting around August 26th
Book: Always by Sarah Jio
Source/format: Ebook from library
Quest board: Open World (side quest)
Points: 10 EXP and 29 HP
Previous Weeks
Week 1 Progress & Tracking
The dates you see below are the dates I start and finish books, so you won’t see every date there.
It’ll be running totals and information about each book and how it applies to the quest itself.
August 14th – 17th
Book: The Lucky Dog Matchmaking Service by Beth Kendrick
Source/format: Audiobook and physical copy mix, both from library
Quest board: Animal Companion (side quest)
Points: 10 EXP and 32 HP
August 17th – Present
Book: The Dazzling Heights by Katharine McGee
Source/format: Egalley from Edelweiss/publisher
Quest board: Time Warp (side quest)
Points: 10 EXP and 43 HP
I started counting books when I started them instead of finishing them, which was
stupid, so I’m caught up now and will only update totals when the books are done.
40 EXP | 98 HP
Experience Points
Start: 10 EXP
Week 1: 20 EXP
Week 2: 10 EXP
Health Points
Start: 10 HP
Week 1: 77 HP
Week 2: 11 HP
Sign-Up Info, Rules, and TBR
Experience Points
- Pick a path and stay on it; complete the side quests in the middle for more EXP
- Each character starts with +10EXP from the beginning
- Books give you +10EXP, graphic novels give +5EXP, marginalized authors give +20EXP
- Completing the quest before the challenge is over gives you +50EXP; complete another character’s quest on the board and get +30EXP
- Characters level up with every +50EXP they earn
Health Points
- Each character starts with +10HP from the beginning
- Every 10 pages read give +1HP (graphic novels give +1HP for 20 pages)
- Tweeting with #TheReadingQuest gives +1HP (maximum of +20HP allowed from social media)
- Photos of books from the quest give +1HP (still max of +20HP for social media)
Knight’s path:
- The first book of a series – The Cruel Prince
A book with a verb in its title – The Knowing- A book with a weapon on its cover – Stalking Jack the Ripper
- A book with a red cover – Nasty Women
- A book that has a TV/movie adaptation – American Gods
Side quests:
- Potions: a book concocted by 2+ authors – Islanders Vol. 2
- Multiplayer: buddy read a book – Uprooted (with Cyra)
- Grind: a book with 500+ pages – The Unexpected Everything
Time warp: a book set in either the past or the future – These Dazzling HeightsOpen world: read whatever you want – AlwaysRespawn: read a book you previously DNFed – Love & GelatoExpansion: read a companion novel or short story – Gilded Ashes- Mini-game: read a graphic novel, novella, or poem collection – Fables Vol. 5
Animal companion: book referencing an animal in the title – The Lucky Dog Matchmaking Service
[…] The Reading Quest Tracking (Week 2) […]