My monthly TBR feature here shows my progress based on last month’s TBR, my plans for this month, and anything else I might be thinking about from a reading perspective. Sometimes I feature a little poll at the bottom so you guys can help me figure out a certain title I should read from a group of books.
November and December TBR
I didn’t post a TBR for October since I didn’t do much reading in both September and October. I kept thinking the wedding wouldn’t derail me but I just didn’t have a lot of brain power to read, and spent most of my time watching TV with Chris or scrolling on my phone (annoyingly). I’m back in the swing of things for November now that my blog break is over. I usually like to develop a combined November and December TBR to target book to read by the end of the year, instead of by month. I don’t typically include my Christmas reading in these but I have a lot of review copies that are holiday reads. As of the time of writing this on 11/1, I need to finish 14 books to meet my new reduced goal of 75 books read. Here are the most likely 14+ books I’ll read or finish to complete the Goodreads challenge!
Currently Reading / Recently Finished in Nov.
I really should have put RULE OF WOLVES on hold. I decided that I am determined to finish this year. With around 60 days left in the year at the time of writing this and 30 chapters left to read, I’m hoping to use the 41 weekdays/non-holidays to read or listen to a chapter a day. FOR REAL THIS TIME. If I forget or skip one because I’m really not in the mood, there’s some wiggle room. I also would much prefer to finish this within November or early December instead of actually getting close to the end of the year.
I’ve been reading THE HAWTHORNE LEGACY since I picked it up on its release date but haven’t devoted a lot of time to reading it aside from the first few days. I brought it on my honeymoon but wanted to be simple and read my Kindle most of the time instead. I hope to finish this one soon, if I haven’t already by the time this posts!
Review Copies
Already Published
I’ve had both THE INVISIBLE HUSBAND OF FRICK ISLAND and WHERE THERE’S A WHISK on here for at least a couple of months. I know I’ll be shifting into some holiday books for November so I don’t want to go crazy with other books, but hopefully I can read one or both of these. I’m also adding THE INN ON SWEETBRIAR LANE because I’ve been really trying to read it but my mood hasn’t been there. HOW TO MARRY KEANU REEVES IN 90 DAYS comes out this week so it would be great to get to that one as well.
Holiday Review Copies
I have another holiday review copy but I haven’t read the first book in the series yet, so I think I’ll just be a late jerk on reading that one. I’m on a blog tour for one of these and there is an old egalley from last year, but the other 6 here are fresh review copies for 2021.
Preordered Cookbook
I’ve had some books on my TBR or preorder list get pushed out due to printing or supply chain issues, including one of my preordered cookbooks. This SKINNYTASTE AIR FRYER DINNERS cookbook is still scheduled for early December as of right now, so I do know I’ll be reading through this one when it comes out.
Bonus Reads
As you can possibly tell, there are 15 books above that will be likely finished this year. I do have a handful more that I may read instead or MAYBE in addition to them?? Any chance I’ll exceed my challenge this year?! Who knows lol. Here are some bonus reads to choose from or read additionally…
Library Books on Hold
I have six library books on hold that could come in this year and need to be read. I’m really never sure on timing when I request through interlibrary loan but we’ll see. THE TEA DRAGON TAPESTRY is the final book in a cute childrens’ graphic novel series I love. I had a review copy of OF PRINCES AND PROMISES that expired so I requested it from the library and can also listen on Scribd if I want to. YOUR LIFE HAS BEEN DELAYED is kind of a random one but the concept really intrigued me, so I tossed a request out there. THE SANTA SUIT is a new holiday novella this year that I can hopefully get to. OUR WAY BACK TO ALWAYS is by an author I’ve enjoyed in the setting I fell in love with in the previous, so hopefully this will be a fun read. And finally, YOU’LL BE THE DEATH OF ME. This doesn’t come out until the end of November so there’s a chance this is like the first book I read in 2022 or something, depending on timing of the request.
More Holiday Reads
Check out my holiday TBR post coming in a few days to see some other books I may read for my holiday book fix. There are a solid 16 holiday books alone that came out this year that I have on my TBR, including the novella pictured above. We’ll see if I have time for any of them too! Not to mention the 8 books on my holiday reading backlist I’ve been wanting to read for multiple years…
Random Books on the TBR
I got THE HEART PRINCIPLE from BOTM and I’m surprised I haven’t read it yet honestly. I’ve loved the series so far. We’ll see if I can squeeze it in, but it’s less critical than the review copies I have obviously. And last but not least, I bought the audiobook for APPLES NEVER FALL a month or two ago and will possibly listen to it by the end of the year.
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