Bookmark Lit Bulletin | November 2019

Posted December 2, 2019 / Bookmark Lit Bulletin, Features, Wrap-Ups / 1 Comment

BL headerThe Bookmark Lit Bulletin wraps up the last month in reading and what was on the blog, as well as what’s coming up next. You can check out my book haul, books read, posts shared, challenge updates, etc. You can read past bulletins here. If you’re looking for more personal updates, you can check out my Lauren Lately feature; it highlights my life events and non-bookish fun from the previous 30 days.

Woof, the end of the month totally snuck up on me! I know it had to do with Thanksgiving being so late, but for some reason I was convinced that Monday was the first instead of Sunday. I therefore ended up finishing less books in November than expected. I had hoped to squeeze in two more but my reading was weird throughout the month. Oh well! On to a lot of Christmas books in December!

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this month in books

10 books read in November

7 new reads   •   1 reread   •   2 DNF
3,250 pages read including up to 39:18 of audio

Source:   7 owned books {4 review copies}
2 borrowed books {0 review copies}

Formats:   2 hardcovers | 1 paperback | 1 ebook
0 audio | 3 read/listen combinations | 3 egalleys | 0 ARCs

Average rating this month4.1 stars





All of the books from this month:
The PretendersThe Queen of NothingCall Down the HawkKiss Me in Sweetwater SpringsThe Girl Who Lived: A Thrilling Suspense NovelThe Wicked King
The Bromance Book ClubImaginary FriendOpalMooncakes


Check out my 2019 challenge sign-up post for more details, goals, etc.!

Popsugar Reading Challenge

2 read this month | 38 read total | 95% complete

Kiss Me in Sweetwater SpringsCall Down the Hawk

Monthly Motif Challenge

2 read this month | 26 read total
This month: 
Seasons, elements, weather

MooncakesKiss Me in Sweetwater Springs

Retellings Reading Challenge

0 read this month | 7 read total | 70% complete

Picky Pledge

My goal is to work on Alexa and Hannah’s Picky Pledge, reading one book from my shelves per month that fits a category on this TBR idea list. (I may read more each month but I’ll just highlight one book and category.)

This month: Mooncakes (bought because of hype)


Seasonal Bingo

Breakdown: 3 bought  | 0 borrowed  | 0 free/gifted | 4 for review
All review copies were provided for free in exchange for an honest review.

For Review

In Five Years Mermaid Inn

From Atria Books: In Five Years by Serle
From Forever Romance: Mermaid Inn by Holiday

From Forever Romance: All I Want for Christmas is You by Liasson


Purchased or preordered: Don’t You Forget About Me by McFarlane, Supernova by Meyer, Queen of Nothing by Black, Call Down the Hawk by Stiefvater, Deadly Obsession by Hunt (not pictured)

The Stolen Kingdom: An Aladdin Retelling

Kindle books: The Stolen Kingdom by Atazadeh

November: Finish challenges (90%-ish) ✔
December: Enjoy Christmas books

I was hoping to finish up my challenges in November so I could just read Christmas books in December, but I found myself uninterested in bothering with my challenges. I was forcing it so I could complete them but I just don’t care much? I decided to quit the challenges unless I’m in the mood. So, my goal for December is still to just enjoy Christmas books (and a few others that aren’t holiday-related).

Holiday Posts and Reviews | As usual, there will be a bunch of holiday book reviews and Christmassy posts on the blog, like movie round-ups and decor posts.

End of Year Posts | I do a few annual surveys and wrap-up posts at the end of December, so you can expect a lot of those when the time comes – End of Year Survey, Statistics Survey, Bookmark Lit Bulletin, etc.

2020 Resolutions and Challenges | I always post my challenges for the upcoming year, as well as the personal, bookish, and blog-related goals I want to achieve or keep in mind. This will come somewhere near mid-December so other people can use the challenges for inspiration as  well!

Check out my holiday TBR post! ?

How was your reading in November?
What do you have up next in December?

One response to “Bookmark Lit Bulletin | November 2019

  1. Ali

    The end of November totally snuck up on me too! I wanted to finished a few more ARC’s but sadly didn’t. Though they are Christmas ARC’s so I can work on them this week. Great post! Good luck on your Christmas reading.

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