October TBR

Posted September 28, 2017 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 2 Comments

I recently started a monthly TBR feature, where I try to pin down which books I plan to read in the upcoming month. It also helps remind me throughout the month which books I’m supposed to be reading, for various reasons. I add a little poll at the bottom too, so you guys can vote and help me narrow down some of my options as well. Here are my top TBR choices for this month and how I did last month…

September Progress

Heart of Glass (A-List, #8)Beautiful Stranger (A-List, #9)The Cruel Prince (The Folk of the Air, #1)

Not too bad… Kinda. I mean, my goal was to read a few library books and a few physical books and I totally failed at that. But! I did manage to finish off a series and bring all 10 books home to CT. My shelf is freeeee! And, to be fair, I’m still reading THE CRUEL PRINCE, but it’s worth mentioning here that I’m at least working on it. I got totally distracted by the MARA DYER trilogy for my book club and binged those three in a row. Whoops?

On Deck for October

Read ALL Library Books

Ash & Bramble and Rose & Thorn by Sarah Prineas
The Book of Summer by Michelle Gable

I’m so annoyed with myself because I had a lot of great books checked out and let them fall by the wayside. I ended up having to return just about everything. I’m determined to read this fairytale retelling duo, plus one more summery book! Let’s see if I can pull it off before they’re due this time…

Read TWO Owned/Physical Books

Kissing Max Holden by Katy Upperman | Twist by Karen Akins | If Birds Fly Back by
Carrie Sorosiak | By Your Side by Kasie West | From this Moment and Moment in Time by
Lauren Barnholdt | The Summer After You and Me by Jennifer Salvato Doktorski | The Possible by
Tara Altebrando | I Believe In a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo | With Malice by Eileen Cook |
Return to the Isle of the Lost by Melissa de la Cruz | Royce Rolls by Margaret Stohl

Yep, I’ll keep this list right here. I still really hope to get going on these! My sister will kill me if I don’t read her books ASAP, plus there are some I was SO excited for and just never managed to get to. I also made the mistake of bringing a couple of ARCs back to Portland with me, so we’ll see…


A Taxonomy of Love Moxie The Key to Everything A Dangerous Year (Riley Collins, #1)

 A Taxonomy of Love by Rachael Allen | Moxie by Jennifer Mathieu | The Key to Everything
by Paula Stokes | A Dangerous Year by Kes Trester

I have quite a few ARCs I hope to get moving on. Some are physical, some are digital, some are upcoming releases, and some have already come out. Either way, it’ll feel good to work on the mini backlog I currently have. Man, I am terrible about reading things I’m excited about.

General Fall TBR

As you saw in my recent TTT post, there are some upcoming releases this fall that I hope to get to. There are quite a few books on there I didn’t really feel like pasting in here, so feel free to check that out!

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