In an effort to post more random, personal things, I wanted to hop on this “five on Friday” kind of post. I saw it here and she saw a spin on it here (just to give all credit where it’s due!). The lists are not in order, so the five favorite books this year aren’t listed from most to least favorite. Just figured I’d throw that out there!
Five favorite books this year
- The Nowhere Girls by Amy Reed
- The Dirty Book Club by Lisi Harrison
- The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
- The Names They Gave Us by Emery Lord
- The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Five books I plan to read soon
- Royce Rolls by Margaret Stohl
- Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather
- Ash and Bramble by Sarah Prineas
- As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti
- The Key to Everything by Paula Stokes
Five unreleased books I can’t wait for
- Ringer by Lauren Oliver
- Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills
- The Becoming of Noah Shaw by Michelle Hodkin
- Life, Love, and the List by Kasie West
- The Afterlife of Holly Chase by Cynthia Hand
Five things I’ve eaten lately
- Cinnamon Apple Treats – not sure how to describe them but basically Chris and I had a LOT of these a couple of weeks ago when I bought apples. We just added cinnamon sugar, brown sugar, and vanilla ice cream and baked them
- Sheet Pan Meals – I’ve been a big fan of these easy dinners lately. You can find some options in the link above for the apples, plus the link over there
- Rose Foods – there’s a little NY style Jewish deli down the road from us that opened a couple of months ago and it’s our faaaavorite place to walk to, not to mention the closest delicious breakfast/lunch spot in general. OBSESSED
- Trader Joe’s Goddess Dressing – OMG. My boss always gets Panera’s Green Goddess salad and it never was something I’d be into. Chris and I saw the Goddess Dressing at Trader Joe’s and were intrigued, so we went for it. I LOVE IT. It’s kind of sweet almost and the flavor is just sooo gooooood
- Quinoa – we have been making a lot of kale/blend quinoa bowls lately, but I also have my eye on a chicken enchilada quinoa casserole for the crockpot this weekend!
Five things I’m not loving at the moment
- Chris’s foot surgery – it’s all good, but it will be hard for him to get around for a while. He can’t put weight on his feet until Monday afternoon and then he has a boot for around 6 weeks. It’ll be a challenge and he’s going to be so bored without work, skateboarding, or hiking…
- Paying bills – I mean, I know I have to do this… but I’m sick of being an adult and worrying about bills! I want my student loans to go away already ugh
- Weird weather – I don’t mind warm weather sticking around, but I just can’t figure out when the hell I can remove our AC unit. I’m afraid to do it until it’s actually not humid outside but who knows when that’ll be
- Not getting out and about as much – it’s going to be hard to get out and do the “fall things” I love each year. We won’t be able to hike until late October/early November when it’s much colder. Not a bad thing, but still kind of tough. Shopping and eating out will be harder for a while too
- Not enough seasonal things – I know some things will be out of the question for another month or so but I definitely need to get better about eating pumpkin things and drinking apple cider!
Five things that have made me happy recently
- Lots of cozy time with Chris – obviously the surgery thing sucks for all of our fall plans, but he can still get around with a boot… for the most part! However, it’s so nice to have cozy, lazy time with him. We can catch up on sooo many shows and movies
- New clothes – I went a little wild for my birthday and treated myself… a lot. Oh well. I’m so excited about all of my new clothes and outfits. Even though some are still summery, there are plenty of ways to wear them into the fall with pants or leggings
- Podcasts – yep, still loving them. I have a couple of new favorites (primarily Thin Air) and they always keep me entertained in the shower or when grocery shopping
- Favorite restaurants – we’re starting to figure out which restaurants we really love around our section of Portland and beyond. There are SO many more to try when Chris is out of the boot, but I’m happy that we have some tried-and-true favorites, like Rose Foods and Po’Boys & Pickles
- Book/series binges – after finishing A-LIST with Cristina earlier this month, I craved more series binges. I read the three books in the MARA DYER trilogy in a row and loved it. I hope to find a few more little series or trilogies to binge soon
Five funny things
I always love reading these posts! THUG and The Names They Gave Us would both definitely make my top five reads of this year, too. And I am also eagerly anticipating Foolish Hearts and Love, Life, and the List (I get excited about every new Kasie West release, but this one sounds ESPECIALLY up my alley). I need to try the Goddess dressing from TJ’s! I am there literally all the time; I can’t believe I haven’t tried it yet. Yay for new clothes! Isn’t having new additions to your wardrobe the best feeling? I hope everything goes well with Chris’s recovery, and I also hope you get in some fun fall activities soon! <3
Thank you 😀 I can’t wait for LLATL too because it sounds right up my alley!!
hahaha the Chaos mode one is hilarious!
Right?? SO TRUE
I also can’t wait for the first Noah centric book, and those tweets really crack me up! 😀
haha same here!
I’m so glad you loved the Mara Dyer triology. It’s one of my FAVORITES but I feel like it’s super divisive- some people love it and others really hate it. I’m hoping to reread it soon, because I’m starting the first Noah Shaw book and I feel like there’s going to be a LOT that I don’t remember haha
I’m so glad I don’t have to wait that long for Noah’s book!!
AND OMG #1 under the “funny things” section, I die.
OMG, is that Nut thing for real???? I laughed so hard at that one!
I love this post and I may steal it 🙂
My boyfriend had to have his appendix taken out last year and he stayed home from work for 2 weeks and it kind of sucked cause we were mostly stuck at home but we also binged on The Walking Dead and Game of Thrones so that was nice.
This is such a fun post! Those apple desserts sound incredible. I recently found a similar recipe that I’m planning on trying! Instead of leaving the apples whole, the one I’m going to follow says to cut them in half and bake with the center facing upward so it’s easier to eat! I also reallllllly need to read Haunting the Deep very soon and I’m so intrigued about The Nowhere Girls now!