The Bookmark Lit Bulletin wraps up the last month in reading and what was on the blog, as well as what’s coming up next. You can check out my book haul, books read, posts shared, challenge updates, etc. You can read past bulletins here. If you’re looking for more personal updates, you can check out my Lauren Lately feature; it highlights my life events and non-bookish fun from the previous 30 days.
Wooof what a garbage reading month. I knew it was going to be somewhat tough since I’d be settling into our new place, but I didn’t realize just how bad the slump was going to be. I was able to cover a little more ground within the last week of the month but not as much as I’d hoped. I saw the “1-2 books behind” warning on Goodreads for the first time in honestly over a year. Regardless, my life is mostly calming down and settling now, so fingers crossed I make up for some lost ground in August.
9 books read in July
9 new reads • 0 reread • 0 DNF
3125 pages read including 2329 minutes of audio
Source: 6 owned books {5 review copies}
3 borrowed books {0 review copies}
Formats: 0 hardcovers | 0 paperbacks | 0 ebook
3 audio | 1 read/listen combinations | 4 egalleys | 1 ARC
0 novellas, short stories, or graphic novels
Average rating this month: 3.8 stars
Fave (Fantasy)
Fave (Contemp)
Super Fun
All of the books read this month:
Netgalley & Edelweiss Challenge
4 read this month | 26 read total | 72% NG ratio
Popsugar Reading Challenge
1 read this month | 28 read total | 70% complete
Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge
0 read this month | 7 read total | 58% complete
None this month
Seasonal Bingo
Breakdown: 1 bought | 0 borrowed | 3 free/gifted | 6 for review
Blog tour: The Witch of Willow Hall by Fox
From publisher: Kiss Me in Paris by Rider, Little White Lies by Barnes
Physical Copies
ARCs from friends/ALA: Little White Lies by Barnes,
Never Contented Things by Porter, The Wicked King by Black
Finished copy from publisher: Folded Notes from High School by Boren
Hardcover from The Book Barn: Far from the Tree by Benway (not pictured)
Free Kindle Books
Kindle sale for free: Out of Uniform series by Kennedy
My recent personal / life update found in the last Lauren Lately HERE.
- [5 Jul] The Cottages on Silver Beach by RaeAnne Thayne ★★★½
- [5 Jul] Listen to Your Heart by Kasie West ★★★★
- [6 Jul] The Year of Living Awkwardly: Sophomore Year by Emma Chastain ★★★★½
- [18 Jul] The Art of Inheriting Secrets by Barbara O'Neal ★★★½
- [25 Jul] The Good Luck Charm by Helena Hunting ★★★½
- [2 Jul] 2018 Mid-Year Reading Statistics & Goals
- [3 Jul] Top Ten Tuesdays #190: 4th of July
- [4 Jul] 2018 Mid-Year Challenge Progress & Future TBRs
- [9 Jul] Takeaways from my Mid-Year Stats
- [10 Jul] Top Ten Tuesdays #191: Best Books of 2018
- [11 Jul] Jan-June Releases I’m Surprised I Haven’t Read Yet
- [12 Jul] On My List (5)
- [13 Jul] Lauren Lately | July 2018
- [16 Jul] Bookmark Lit is FOUR!
- [17 Jul] Top Ten Tuesdays #192: Favorite Short Books
- [19 Jul] ARC August 2018 Sign-Up and TBR
- [20 Jul] TBB Asks: July Vacation Edition
- [23 Jul] Grocery Shopping Online vs. In-Store
- [24 Jul] Top Ten Tuesdays #193: Sensory Memories
- [27 Jul] Add It To My List – July 2018
- [30 Jul] August TBR
- [31 Jul] Top Ten Tuesdays #194: Hype
July’s goal: Finish two audiobooks
August’s goal: Get Goodreads on track
I am excited to say that I definitely met my goal of reading two audiobooks in July! I actually exceeded it, technically, because I didn’t finish LISTEN TO YOUR HEART until July 3rd (even though I started in June). I started and finished two fresh audiobooks though. I loved THE KISS QUOTIENT so much and it was a pleasant surprise for me – I really thought I’d be a black sheep just because of the hype. I loved the narration too. The second audiobook I finished was CRAZY RICH ASIANS. I definitely wanted to get to the book before the movie came out and the audio was so perfect. I really would love to listen to the rest of the series via audio but the hold times are soooo long and I don’t know if I will get them in time. August’s goal is to get my Goodreads goal back on track. I caught up a little bit (when I thought I would completely butcher this month) by yesterday but I really want to get on track or ahead of my goal by the end of August. Seeing that I’m 1-2 books behind is so uncharacteristic for me!
Currently A-Z Edition: I saw another blog with this version of a Currently post, so I had to make my own. It obviously just involves discussing what you’re currently up to through using letters of the alphabet for each prompt.
Beauty Brands I Love: I’ve been heavily into makeup and skincare lately so I decided to do a roundup of beauty brands I love. For me, that means brands that I own two or more products from. Almost everything I use comes from different brands, so you know I REALLY love a brand when I have a few favorites.
I’d Rather Be Reading: Rachel from Hello Chelly posted a book tag of sorts based on this coffee table book she read. I loved the questions and I was really able to examine some of my favorite books. I thought it would be hard to narrow my favorite book list down to 25 books, but I honestly didn’t have too much trouble!
ARC August posts: I’m excited to be joining ARC August again! I’m probably going to post more updates than usual (typically I put everything in 1-2 posts) because my month is looking light from a blog post perspective. I like the bingo idea that’s going to happen too.
Check out my August TBR post! ?
[…] ✨ Check out my most recent bookish and bloggy wrap-up HERE ✨ […]