I started using StoryGraph this year in addition to Goodreads. I still use Goodreads for the majority of my book updates because 99% of my friends are still there. Goodreads is where I update reading progress, search for new books and add them to my to-read shelves, and follow what my friends are up to. Storygraph, for me, is for tracking when I start and finish books. I also like using it to better browse my shelves, especially because they have moods and pacing as options for filters – something I love! I also really like their auto-populated charts and graphs, so I thought it would be fun to have a quick wrap-up post from 2022 using specifically information from StoryGraph.
It’s no surprise that I read the most pages in December lol even though 6 of my books were graphic novels, I still read the most books within that month overall. I was clearly doing catchup to make sure I finished my reading goal for the year!
Again, no surprise here. Pretty sure all of the nonfiction books I read were cookbooks as well. Story of my life!
I like how this is more specific than Goodreads because I have to tag my own genres via shelves. Storygraph did it for me! Not surprised whatsoever that my top books were contemporary and romance, followed closely by young adult, and then mystery and thriller.
This is another fun part of Storygraph! You can assign moods as you finish reading and also see what the majority of users selected. I do read a lot of lighthearted books (mostly romance or contemporary). Most of the mysterious, dark, tense books must be the high number of mystery books I read.
I read 6 books to complete the PAPER GIRLS series of graphic novels by Brian K. Vaughan, then I also read the most recent SAGA installment that came out in October. Needless to say, not surprised he’s my #1 author for books read… and 6 of them happened in December alone! The others are not surprising either.
Clearly I was in a book slump this year because the majority of my books were either medium- or fast-paced! I didn’t have time to fuck around with a lot of slow and steady books this year lol.
Another non-surprising one. Most romance books are right around the 300 page mark and that’s my most common amount of pages. The shorter books were more like novellas, graphic novels, and cookbooks.
Not a bad year overall when most books were between 3-5 stars, with the majority in the 4-4.5 star range! Love that you can do half-star ratings on Storygraph but it’s not quite as accurate here because the majority of my 2022 reads would be carried over from Goodreads, meaning only whole-star ratings.
Ooh I really like the way StoryGraph breaks down data into charts and graphs! I think overall they seem like a really great site for cataloguing and analyzing the books you read in a year but I feel so invested in goodreads since I have so many years of reading on it already!
I know what you mean – I still use Goodreads for following friends and sharing updates (especially progress updates while reading) but just mark books as “started” and “finished” reading on Storygraph simultaneously.