I’ve been wanting to share some library hauls on the blog, since I don’t include them in my monthly wrap-ups. I go through phases where I use the library A LOT and phases where I forget it exists somehow. Whenever the mood strikes, I’ll share what I’m working on from the library during any given month.
This is a somewhat special version of library love, because I’m currently using the library in my new home! One of the first things I did when we got here (literally, we went on the third day we were here) was get a library card. I specifically made my grandma send me a letter so I had proof of address and everything. The Portland Public Library is really nice because there are multiple branches in different areas. I’m near the Burbank branch, so that means I don’t have to go downtown to get books! I can request for books to move from different locations too. I’ve already placed a few holds for books that are coming out later and picked up some more. I love that the library has self-service locations. You can find and grab your own holds from the shelf AND check them out yourself. Easy in and out! Anyways, enough of me rambling about my new library. Here’s what I’ve got!
Trouble is a Friend of Mine by Stephanie Tromly | I’ve checked this out from the library previously but never got around to reading it before the due date. I don’t know why, because it seems like a really fun and quirky story that I might like! I’ve seen mixed reviews but they’re mostly based on taste.
Stalking Jack the Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco | I’m not sure about this one because it’s kind of out of my wheelhouse, but the concept has intrigued me overall. I think I’ll try to read it sometime soon to at least give it a try! I’ve seen good reviews and I’ve been craving weirder, creepier books lately.
Say No to the Bro by Kat Helgeson | This one… hmm. I was really excited about it until I read some reviews. The concept obviously involves a high school using an antiquated, gross system for prom dates, but I’m hoping it’s the kind of book where that changes or improves by the end? Not sure.
Just Dreaming by Kerstin Gier | I just started this one yesterday because I’ve been in the mood to read it for months. I had it on hold from my library at home forever and it just never came in? SO! I was really happy to see it available in Portland. I’m ready to finish this series off!
One of Us is Lying by Karen McManus | On hold because… all of the copies are checked out
I’ve been wanting to read this one foreeeever. I like anything that implies The Breakfast Club… especially when there are murdery twists involved. I’ve seen some decent reviews but nothing too fantastic. I’ll give it a shot still because I’ve been really anticipating it!
The Dazzling Heights by Katharine McGee | On hold because… it hasn’t been released yet
When I saw this one on order, I put a request in ASAP. I looooved the first one (that I also read from the library) and hope to buy them both for my personal library collection at some point. I just don’t have the shelf space right now. I can’t wait for this release; I hope I can get it right away.
Same Beach, Next Year by Dorothea Benton Frank | On hold because… all of the copies are checked out
I keep seeing this book pop up everywhere and I finally decided to place a hold. I love books involving little beach towns and some kind of family or friend reunion. I have a lot of beachy books on my TBR during the summer, so I hope this one will fit the bill.
I really loved Stalking Jack the Ripper so I hope you will too! And OMG I need The Dazzling Heights, like, yesterday!
RIGHT?! I can’t wait!
I’ve heard good things about STALKING so we’ll see 🙂
I’m just like you – I go through spurts with my library. All the type and then nothing. I do regularly check out audiobooks though. And isn’t interlibrary loan awesome?!
Yes, definitely!
Stalking Jack the Ripper was TOTALLY out of my comfort zone, but I ended up loving it. It’s really character heavy, so I think for people who read a lot of Contemporary, it’s a good book to try. Also, One of Us is Lying was totally fun– and I’m PUMPED for The Dazzling Heights!! I loved that first book– it was a total guilty pleasure-type series and I NEED!!
OH good! I like the sound of that.
I really only use the electronic site for my library with ebooks and audios. I really need to go in and explore!! I want to get to One of Us is Lying and Same Beach, Next Year.
Yes definitely!
One of Us is Lying is sooo good! I hope you love it. I was really surprised by the outcome.
Good, I love when that happens 😀
I love some Library love ! I live in a metro county of a small city and their library system is amazing, I’ve only recently learned about how to use requests, transfers and holds and it has changed the way I read. I think about 50% of my reading is done through my library. Do they have Overdrive for ebooks ?
I have heard nothing but good things about One of Us is Lying, in fact their are 8 people in front of me for it at my library holds !
My current library system uses Cloud Library instead of Overdrive, which I don’t love, but it works!
I love that your new library system is working out for you! I haven’t read a library book in MONTHS but I just got The Hate U Give from my library’s overdrive and am excited to read it this week! Also Same Beach, Different year looks RIGHT up my alley!
EEEK Can’t wait to see what you think of it! So powerful.
Same Beach, Next Year was definitely up my alley in theory haha, but I didn’t like the characters and the story itself was irritating haha.