I always highlight a few things in the media section of my Lauren Lately posts, but sometimes a nice round-up is the way to go. You’ve seen some of these in those posts but I wanted to highlight everything here.
Recently Watched | TV Shows
American Vandal | Huuuuge fan of this. It’s hilarious. It essentially pokes fun at all of the crime dramas we know and love, while focusing on a hilarious topic – graffiti of penises on teachers’ cars. There are a lot of awesome elements involved relating to teen habits, social media, and high school expectations. Really loved it. I’d be here for a season two but not sure how they could repeat the same magic.
Sense8 | We really loved the first season and finally sat down to catch up. There was a large holiday episode (2 hours long) that kicked off season two, so we decided to start binge-watching when Chris got his surgery. I’m eager to see how they wrap up the show in the final special (and am SO glad Netflix went ahead to do it!!) Crazy, confusing concept but if you love major ships and friendship feels… watch this!
Currently Watching | TV Shows
Total Bellas | I got myself allll caught up on Total Divas and Total Bellas before the season started last month. I’m enjoying the new episodes a lot because the timeline is finally to where I actually started watching wrestling. The previous seasons were all from a few years ago so I wasn’t familiar with what was happening across WWE at that time. This season of Bellas and the upcoming season of Divas next month will ALL be stuff I’ve seen happen on RAW/SD.
Broad City | This show is pure genius still. I’m so happy it exists, especially because of the new horrible world we live in with a moron for president. I laugh so much at their antics in each episode. If you’re into the girl power thing and don’t mind a little weed on your TV shows, seriously please watch this.
Raven’s Home | I’m always cautiously optimistic about reboots. It’s how I dealt with the idea of Girl Meets World, which I didn’t love. I don’t know if it really captured the elements of what I loved about Boy Meets World, so I never kept up watching it. Raven’s Home, however, is sheer perfection. It maintains the same humor and antics as the original series and I ADORE IT.
Leah Remini: Scientology and the Aftermath | I’ve always been fascinated by Scientology and religious cults. I read a memoir a while back about someone who escaped the religion and have always been curious since. Chris and I have been really enjoying this series by Leah Remini. The stories are fascinating and horrifying.
The Good Place | I loved the first season of this show. I don’t think it’s LOL-funny but I do think it’s adorable and clever. So, I embarked on season two VERY nervous about how it would progress. So far, so good! I can’t really say more unless you’ve already seen the first season and how it ended.
The Bold Type | I admit that I slacked on this one after a while because my solo TV watching went down. I hope to catch up on the first season and EVERYONE should do the same. It’s a very timely show that is fulllll of girl power and supportive relationships. I can’t say enough good things about it, tbh.
Younger | This is another awesome workplace drama/comedy that has Hilary Duff. What more could you ask for? I also need to catch up on these episodes because I suck at keeping up with shows as they air. I know there is some major drama and relationship shakeups in the latest season soooo hop to it, Lauren.
Siesta Key | I hate myself for watching this show. It’s realllllly bad. It’s like a worse version of Laguna Beach for sure. The characters don’t have a lot going for them, in terms of likability, but it’s definitely entertaining. I have a few more episodes to catch up on and I will continue to hate myself throughout.
This Is Us | For some reason I didn’t hop right on the chance to watch the season premiere, but I’m sure it’ll continue to break my heart as it’s always done. I love the characters on this show SO much. I’m definitely curious about how they’ll maintain a lot of the dual timeline stuff, plus all the family secrets that get revealed.
Will & Grace | I am so effing here for this reboot. I ADORED the first episode and welcomed it back with open arms. Much like Raven’s Home, it exceeds my expectations in terms of keeping up with the original. I wanted Will, Grace, Jack, and Karen to be just like they used to be… and they totally are. Keep it up!
Iron Fist | Eh…. We’re suffering our way through this one. I refuse to skip it even if I don’t NEED it for Defenders. We don’t like the fight scenes or the main character or really much of anything, but we’ll hopefully finish up soon to get to the next series that we DO want to watch in the Marvel universe.
Up Next | TV Shows
Marvel shows | Inhumans and Defenders
We have to catch up on some of our Marvel shows! We still have a lot of others to finish or watch, but I’m definitely looking forward to Defenders the most. I miss all of those characters.
Netflix originals | Friends from College, Wet Hot American Summer: 10 Years Later,
Master of None (season two), and Stranger Things (season two)
Some big season twos in here! I loved season one for these ones (including WHAS’s First Day of Camp season, which was kind of like season one). I’m on the fence about Friends from College because I’ve heard mixed reviews, but I’m still curious.
Already out to binge | Humans (season two), Westworld, and Trial & Error
We haven’t been the best at keeping up with shows recently. There are some on my radar to watch by myself and some to watch with Chris, but we just keep getting sucked in elsewhere. It doesn’t help that we have wrestling two nights a week and football three days/nights per week.
Recently Watched | Movies
Armageddon | Chris had never seen this one so I made him watch it one night. Man, this movie breaks my heart every time. It had been a while since I’d seen it so I forgot a few parts. I hope every human has seen this movie already because if not you’re missing outtttt.
Young Frankenstein | We’ve enjoyed watching older movies lately so I had to make sure Chris saw Young Frankenstein. I wish we waited until October, now that I think about it, but it was still a great time. The humor in this one is so perfect; I picked up on a lot of jokes I definitely missed when I was a kid!
Long Shot | I love documentaries (a post on that will be coming soon) and this one was REALLY intriguing. The concept is that Juan was arrested for a murder he didn’t commit. All of the evidence in the case is footage from a Dodgers game, thanks to the show Curb Your Enthusiasm. It’s a really crazy story that makes you say “what if?” every two seconds. It’s only 40 minutes, so seriously give it a watch!
Clue | I know a lot of friends count this as their favorite movie so I had to watch it at some point. It was HILARIOUS. We actually ended up watching it twice in one month because we wanted to show Chris’s sister. She ended up loving it too. I can’t get over how great this movie is.
Up Next | Movies
Netflix originals | Gerald’s Game and What Happened to Monday
We both are curious about these! Chris read Gerald’s Game until it got too gory for him to continue, so we’re not sure about the movie version. WHTM seems like a really intriguing Netflix original to watch some weekend.
Can’t believe I still haven’t seen… | Beauty and the Beast and Sliding Doors
Yeah… I still haven’t seen BATB. I just don’t care too much for the Disney live action movies. I’m not sure why. And, for Sliding Doors, it’s been recommended to me because of the parallel timeline situation, but I haven’t gotten around to it. Hopefully that can change.
Halloween favorites | Tower of Terror, Halloweentown, and Hocus Pocus
I’m going to admit that I didn’t love Hocus Pocus as a kid. I hope the atmosphere grabs me now that I’m older? We’re going to give it a shot this Halloween season. The other movies there are my faaavorites to watch in October. Can’t go wrong with Disney, usually!
Quill and I have just started American Vandal and I’m loving it more than I thought I was going to!
I was really nervous it would just be stupid, but it was so funny and interesting! Each episode had some surprises.
[…] What I’ve Been Watching […]
Ooo, you’ve got to check out iZombie and Lucifer! They’re my top two favorite tv shows. And one of my new favorite fall shows is The Good Doctor!
Have you watch The Fifth Element yet?
I super LOVED the first season of The Good Place and am anxious for more. I’ll be waiting a WHILE though because I watched it on Netflix and didn’t DVR the new season. I’m also excited about season 2 of Stranger Things and I’ve always wanted to watch Younger, but I don’t have Hulu. I tried Friends From College and it didn’t stick. It was OKAY– but was mostly just about Robin from HIMYM and her married friend being the worst set of cheaters that ever existed in life. Like seriously SO terrible at it to the point of JUST STOP. And I did NOT love the live-action B&TB. Emma Watson was super British– which was really confusing considering it’s in FRANCE??? And the music was meh. But maybe I’m just weird.
I love seeing these types of TV round-ups so keep them coming!! I’m always looking for recs!
There is a That’s So Raven spinoff?! I just binge watched The Good Place and I did like it, but it isn’t quite that good. It’s a fun show though. As for Younger, I may have also binge watched that one recently as well. I liked it a lot, but the main character could be frustrating. You are watching so many great shows! I need to catch up on This Is Us.
I looooove The Bold Type! I’m so happy it got renewed for two more seasons! And I’m a season behind on Younger and eagerly awaiting it’s arrival on Hulu. Andrew and I recently started watching The Good Place as well and I’m really enjoying it! I love Ten Danson’s characters so much. He’s so funny!
YES THE TOWER OF TERROR MOVIE IS SO GOOD! I’m so sad they took the ride out of California Adventure and replaced it with a Marvel themed ride D:
Also I think I am the only person in the world who hasn’t watched This Is Us yet, I still don’t really know what it’s about lol