Top Ten Tuesdays #204: Longest Books

Posted October 9, 2018 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 9 Comments

Longest Books I’ve Ever Read

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

This is the perfect topic for ya girl, who is feeling quite lazy with blogging lately. I have afternoons of inspiration where I write five posts… and days where I can barely be bothered to put a TTT together. Today’s post literally just required me sorting my “read’ shelf on Goodreads by number of pages and going from there! Spoiler alert: it’s a LOT of Harry Potter, y’all. On top of that, there are actually only FIVE different authors represented here. Most of my longest books were parts of major series with looong books.

Read in 2003, Reread in 2015
870 pages

Read in 2015
827 pages

Read in 2007, Reread in 2017
819 pages

Read in 2007, Reread in 2015-6
759 pages

Read in 2008
756 pages

Read in 2000, Reread in 2015
827 pages

Read in 2017
699 pages

Read in 2005, Reread in 2015
652 pages

Read in 2016
648 pages

Read in 2007
629 pages

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