Myers-Briggs Personality Test Tag
I saw this post on Madalyn’s blog and knew I had to participate. It was originally created by Jaded Reader, The test will vary based on YOUR personal results. There are 16 distinct personality types when you take the test, so the questions are different depending on what your characterization is. You can find the full tag instructions and all of the questions in this document!
The last time I took the Myers-Briggs personality test (you can do so here if needed!) was in 2014, so I figured I’d take it again to get updated results. Well, apparently people don’t change much, because I got the exact same thing. I’m a
Defenders are true altruists, meeting kindness with kindness-in-excess and engaging the work and people they believe in with enthusiasm and generosity.
You can be outgoing, but need to recharge with some calming solitude, Where is your favorite place to read & unwind? Why is this little oasis where you choose to go?
My favorite places to read are usually outdoors when the weather is nice. This could be literally anywhere – on my porch, on the beach, in or around the pool, in a park somewhere… you name it. I love reading in warm weather! However, I’ll admit that my favorite place to read, unwind, and de-stress otherwise is DEFINITELY my bed. I love being cozy under the blankets with a candle going and twinkly lights.
A book can have great ideas, but poor execution can be a killer. What’s a book or series with an amazing idea but you couldn’t suspend your disbelief? (This can do with world building, magic systems or plot flaws!)
This is a tough one for me! I have a tendency to believe anything I read, in terms of fantasy world-building, because I assume their rules of magic are more complex than anything I personally could come up with! One of the first books I can think of is The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick. It’s not a fantasy book, but I just could not suspend my disbelief for the plot itself. The whole plot is not mentioned in the snyopsis so keep reading with caution; there are mild spoilers? Basically, the main character learns that he may have gotten a girl pregnant. Click on the link before and read the spoiler tag for more details, but basically – instead of doing the normal thing and taking a DNA test before committing himself to this baby, he just goes along with it without much questioning. The whole plot of the book could have been over within the first half if he just did the logical thing.
Not everything needs to be realistic, where is the fun in a world with limits? Which fantasy world do you find so atmospheric you slip inside and never want to leave? (Put simply a book with good vibes)
I’ve said before a hundred times that my favorite book setting is a cozy small town, where everyone knows each other and small business are successful and adorable. I’ve talked about that extensively. It’s hard for me to think of a good fantasy world because I always think of them having some kind of war or being unstable. That’s where the plots usually come in! So, I have to go with the classic answer – Harry Potter by JK Rowling.
All play and no work leads to chaotic disorder…and anarchy. How do you structure and balance your reading, booktube, and personal life to better use your time?
HAHA I don’t? I feel like I’m terrible with balance. I go through phases where I get a little burst of energy for reading or blogging… and then switch back into being down on one or the other. I think the way I DO find balance, with those moods, is by letting them ride out. If I want to read constantly and not blog as much, that’s what I do. If I want to blog ahead, I end up with posts scheduled for months while I’m not reading as much. The good thing is that these two moods do even out a little. Just when I start to get low on blog posts (like in November), inspiration strikes and I write 5 posts in one weekend. Seriously.
ISFJ: The Nurturer
You often put others’ needs above your own, but what book or routine helps you when practicing self care? (If you don’t have one, this might be a great time to figure it out 😉
My favorite self-care activity used to be taking a bath with a good book or some Netflix, with candles burning in the background and a hot coffee or chocolate on the side. My new house, unfortunately, only has a stand-up shower right now. I’m working on getting a soaking tub at some point but it’s not the most relaxing option, based on the way the bathroom is set up. I need to find a new routine. I think the ultimate thing is having a relaxing night in with no plans or need to make plans. I can get cozy in sweatpants and fuzzy socks, get in bed or on the couch with my book or movie or show, have a candle burning, string of lights on in the background… you get the idea. Maybe I watch some YouTube and do a face mask. I think I’m good about relaxing and taking time for myself, for the most part. Reading definitely plays a part in that!
I love this tag so much, and I’m so glad you did it! My best friend is an ISFJ, so totally not surprised that you and I get along so well. YES to cozy small town settings! They don’t get enough love. Also, I FEEL YOU on alternating between reading and blogging moods. It all seems to work out in the end, but it’s not predictable or regular by any means!
YES EXACTLY. <333 Small towns are my favorite and my blogging moods are so annoying lately lol