Top Ten Tuesdays #230: Outrageous Bookish Things

Posted April 9, 2019 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 8 Comments

Things I’ve Done for the Love of Books

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

This is such a unique topic! I honestly can’t think of a lot of outrageous things I’ve done for my love of books, so I’ll spin this topic a little bit. I’ll talk about bookish habits or weird things I’ve done (or currently do) for books, as well as some of those books that made me stay up too late!

Reading at Work

I try to behave at work and not do too many personal things when I need to get things done… but there are a few books that just needed to get done based on deadlines! They’re mostly surrounding ARC tours and mailing deadlines from back in the day, but sometimes book club is coming or addiction just overtakes me.

Dream a Little Dream by Kerstin Gier and Everything, Everything by Nicola Yoon (borrowed and read for an ARC tour, needed to mail THAT DAY and hadn’t finished the books yet)

Shadowlands trilogy by Kate Brian (was so addicted to these that I read all three books in quick succession through a week that my boss was out on vacation)

The Vanishing Stair by Maureen Johnson (only had 20 minutes left of the audiobook when I arrived at work so I finished the final pages by keeping the book in my desk drawer and pulling it open whenever I could)

Archenemies by Marissa Meyer (had to finish for book club and had no time after work, so I pulled the drawer trick again to get the book done!)

Staying Up Way Too Late

I have a lot of books I’ve read in one sitting or one day (many of these stretching long into the night), but these are two that come to top of mind right away. I could not stop reading no matter how hard I tried. I stayed up so late to get these done and #noregrets now.

99 Days by Katie Cotugno (this was the prime example of this for years – I stayed up SO LATE and was completely addicted, telling myself “one more chapter” over and over again)

Blacklist by Alyson Noel (had to wake up at 4:30 AM the next day for some reason I don’t remember now and still could not put this book down for the life of me!)

Did it for the ‘Gram

I don’t do a lot of crazy posts on Instagram, often just using my nearby scenery or items in my house for pictures. However, during the craze of doing holiday bookstagram, Chris and I built an entire day of activities around going to a specialty donut shop in southern Connecticut… just so I could take this picture!


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Read the Book Just for the Movie / Show

This is something I’ve done quite a bit, honestly. I hear about a movie or show coming out based on a book and I decide to read the book ASAP. I usually will have the book on my TBR beforehand, but I definitely bump it up on my reading list for that reason!

The Martian by Andy Weir (still haven’t even seen the movie, despite loving the book and buying it for my dad for his birthday in 2016… whoops.)

You by Caroline Kepnes (watched the first couple episodes of the show but haven’t continued; I know I’ll get addicted but it’s hard to watch shows without Chris!)

Crazy Rich Asians by Kevin Kwan (read the whole trilogy and loved the movie so much)

Me Before You by Jojo Moyes (liked the movie more than the book! I know that’s sacrilegious but I can’t help it… also haven’t felt compelled to read the next two books either so whatever)

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