Freebie: New to the TBR
Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
I love a good freebie week! I decided to do one of the posts I randomly do throughout the year: my “On My List” post based on Jamie’s “New to the Queue” feature. I usually talk about books, movies, shows, podcasts, etc. on that one but this will be more focused on books instead. Here are ten books I just added to my TBR, five released ones and five unreleased/upcoming.
I’m a sucker for any Kinsella book, but they’ve recently either been a major hit or a major miss for me. I won’t turn them away though! LOVE YOUR LIFE comes out in October. I’m pretty sure THIS TIME NEXT YEAR is the wrong cover and I’m not sure when it actually comes out, but I always like stories that involve people bumping into each other and being “meant to be” in some way. I always love when they begin announcing Christmas books so I recently added a few to my list, including THE TWELVE DATES OF CHRISTMAS and 12 MEN OF CHRISTMAS. Cute covers and titles too! And lastly, THE DAY WE MEET AGAIN is actually similar to others mentioned here, where the two characters agree to meet at a station one year later if they decide to pursue a relationship.
I like reading about authors/books, so LOSING THE PLOT could be a fun read. Clearly I’m into rom-coms on this list because IN CASE YOU MISSED IT seems like a perfect one, where the MC returns home to her parents house and gets in touch with an ex-flame. Kind of sounds like a movie! Now next, surprisingly, I’m including a thriller: LITTLE SECRETS. I recently added a few of these to my TBR from some summer reading lists online. THE LION’S DEN is kind of a mystery/thriller mixed with more contemporary fiction, so we’ll see what that one is like. And finally, LAST TANG STANDING had me at “Crazy Rich Asians meets Bridget Jones’s Diary.”
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