Funny & Punny Book Titles
Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
I always find books with super long names to be really funny but it’s even better when a title has a pun in it. I thought including funny and punny titles would be a good time here this week.
Books I’ve Read
IT’S KIND OF A CHEESY LOVE STORY may not have the funniest name, but I really enjoy how it plays into the pizza parlor setting and main focus of the book. It’s honestly not cheesy at all, compared to some romances, but I enjoy it 😉 A PHO LOVE STORY is a great pun despite the classic stretch of having “pho” sound like “faux” instead of “fuh” like it’s actually pronounced! IN A HOLIDAZE was one of my favorites last year, holiday or otherwise, and I enjoy the “holidaze” play on words (since she’s in some kind of weird Groundhog Day time loop daze). TWEET CUTE is arguably one of the best punny book titles ever, combining “meet cute” and tweet, since the two kind of meet/argue on Twitter as they fall for each other.
FINLAY DONOVAN IS KILLING IT is about a suspense novelist and it uses the fun, topical “killing it” phrase in a clever way… especially because, according to the synopsis, she’s not really killin’ it at all. JUST A BOY AND A GIRL IN A LITTLE CANOE hits the mark for a funny long title for me. THE TOURIST ATTRACTION has a fun double meaning here, because the MC is on a vacation and will likely hit some tourist attractions, but the tourist is also bound to have some attraction to the local guy. Clever!
Mean high school girls and cliques are always on my TBR, especially if there’s something murdery going on with them. CLIQUE BAIT has the fun play on words with click-bait and I’m here for it. THE BEST LAID PLANS has a fun emphasis on the word “laid” since it’s about losing one’s virginity and making plans for that. Another clever and fun title IMO. And finally, I enjoy THE WORST BEST MAN and play on the fact that the best man in the wedding is actually the worst.
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