Admiring book covers and bookmarks, shared by you!
Welcome to INSIDE AND OUT. This feature includes two of my absolute favorite book-related things: bookmarks (inside) and book covers (out)! I’ve invited guest posters to share their favorite book covers and bookmarks here on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sign-ups are always open (see bottom of post)! Check out past posts here.
Molli from Books and Whimsy
Twitter: @MissMolliWrites| Instagram: @MissMolliWrites
Tell me a little about yourself: Hi, Bookmark Lit readers! Thanks to Lauren for having me today. I’m a blogger, reader, and indie author. I love talking about books (as if that isn’t glaringly obvious), but I also enjoy working out, swimming, movie nights with friends, and spending as much time as I can with my girlfriend. (We’re in a long-distance relationship, so the time we get together is awesome.)
Talk about your blog (what you blog about/kinds of books, features, etc.): I blog at Books and Whimsy and also at The Authorteers ( about writing and what I’m reading. I include personal posts from time to time at Books and Whimsy! I try to focus on reviewing as many books with marginalized characters from marginalized/diverse authors as I can, with a focus on LGBTQIA+ literature. I love YA, NA, and adult contemporary romance.
Favorite genre: Romance! Give me a romance of any kind and I’m super happy. A very close second is fantasy. It’s the first genre I really fell in love with outside of YA contemporary books, so it still has a huge piece of my heart.
Three books you recommend most often and why: Only three? Okay, so, let’s assume I’m recommending for various age groups…
- For the reluctant YA reader: THE ARCHIVED series by Victoria Schwab. Magical realism with a kick-butt tough-as-nails main character, some great friendships, and a whole big helping of feelings. I cried a lot reading it. Victoria’s writing is lovely and will pull in anyone.
- For the reluctant NA reader: UNTEACHABLE by Leah Raeder. Maise is unapologetic and strong, and while there are lots of sexy moments, UNTEACHABLE is ultimately about someone discovering herself: sexually, emotionally, etc. It’s about a character breaking free and going after the life she wants.
- For the reluctant fantasy reader: THE NAME OF THE WIND by Patrick Rothfuss. This series is a book-within-a-book: the main character, disgraced Kvothe, is telling the story of how he created his own legend. The best way I can describe Kvothe is as a “snarkier Harry Potter.” This world shares a few similarities with Harry Potter, but it’s so richly developed and written. There’s magic, mayhem, romance, and mystery.
Anything else to share? Personal plug for something coming up? I’m super excited about my next book, AS YOU BREATHE AGAIN, releasing January 4, 2016. It’s a small-town interracial romance.
What book do we have here? EVERYTHING LEADS TO YOU by the fabulous Nina LaCour
Have you read it yet? If so, how was it? Yes! I read and loved it. It made me happy cry a few times. I really related to Emi, the narrator, because she’s out and trying to break her unlucky-in-love streak.
What makes this cover a favorite? I love the soft coloring to it, and the way the girl is looking over the city. Plus the typography is incredible.
What kind/style of covers do you usually pine over (script fonts, bright colors, realistic, etc.)? I’m a HUGE fan of covers where font is the main focus. See: THE BEGINNING OF EVERYTHING by Robyn Schneider, EMMY & OLIVER by Robin Benway, FAR FROM YOU by Tess Sharpe.
What bookmark did you chose? The bookmark is for author/blogger Dahlia Adler’s UNDER THE LIGHTS.
What makes this one special to you? Dahlia’s book is a companion to her YA debut, BEHIND THE SCENES. UNDER THE LIGHTS features a female/female romance, which I think we need so much more of in YA.
Where’s it from? From the author herself, so not TOO far — she’s in New York (which I hope to someday visit).. 🙂
What kind of bookmarks do you prefer (paper, magnetic, quotes, etc.)? I love paper bookmarks with quotes on them! I also love when they incorporate the cover, either as the full art on the bookmark, or in a small version on it.
Thanks so much for joining Inside & Out, Molli! This book has been on my TBR for ages and I recently got it as a gift, so I’ll be reading it soon! ALSO Under the Lights is perfection, people. Read it!
Join in the fun!
Important: Sign-ups are always open and currently scheduled through the beginning of 2016.
I haven’t read Everything Leads to You yet, but I’ve heard AMAZING things about it. It’s definitely a book that I always look for when I’m at bookstores and thrift shops, and I hope that I find it soon so I can finally see why everyone talks about it.
I love the signed bookmark! I still haven’t read Under the Lights or Behind the Scenes, but I own Under the Lights. I kind of hope I can read both soon.
I loved Under the Lights! Behind the Scenes was good too but I definitely preferred UTL 🙂 Also, I own Everything Leads to You and need to read it!