Books to Reread in 2017

Posted January 4, 2017 / Book Lists, Features / 27 Comments

I always have grand plans to reread ALL THE BOOKS but it almost never happens. The only reason I had a decent amount in 2016 is because I binge-listened to A Series of Unfortunate Events, reread the first two books in the Secrets of my Hollywood Life series (each book in one day, because they’re so short and easy!), finished my Harry Potter reread with book seven, and reread Before I Fall for book club. So, in other words, there were a lot of easy audios and quick 200-page books!

I mentioned in my 2017 Resolutions post that I plan to restart my Nostalgia Project by rereading and finishing off old series, as well as rereading more in general. I’m not sure what I’ll complete for that project but I know I’d like to reread some of these old favorites in 2017. Here’s my reread TBR!

I’ll always fondly remember reading Anna and the French Kiss – and the two companions, Lola and the Boy Next Door and Isla and the Happily Ever After – because it was a part of the first blogging event I actually participated in, and brought me to some of my FAVORITE people. These books were such quick reads and incredibly adorable. I read all of them within three weeks the first time, but I’d love to read them back-to-back-to-back at some point in 2017.

I started rereading Sarah Dessen books over the past two years, but kept saving some of my all-time favorites for “later.” I’m not exactly sure what I was waiting for, but now I have them all to look forward to! I plan on doing some kind of summer/Dessen thing on the blog maybe, so I’d love to reread some of my favorites. This includes Along for the Ride, Lock & Key, and The Truth About Forever. We’ll see how they hold up!

I read the Gemma Doyle trilogy back in high school and have honestly talked about rereading it since I started this blog in 2014! I really need to get going on this for 2017. I remember LOVING everything about it – Gemma, the setting, the magic… I just need it back in my life again.

Going even farther back in time, I read the Looking Glass Wars trilogy! I specifically remember reading this series in Maine with my family in 7th grade. I loved the Wonderland retelling vibes and keep getting reminded of these books when I read more stories under this umbrella. My dad got me all three books in paperback for Christmas (I had borrowed them back then) so I have them queued up for the reread.

What do you think? Planning any rereads for 2017?

27 responses to “Books to Reread in 2017

  1. Twinning…a day apart. HA. Aren’t rereads AMAZING?!?! I want to reread The Truth About Forever too but I admit I’m scared because it was so magical the first time. And your three fave Dessen books are my 3 fave Dessen books. 🙂 And you know how I feel about you reading Anna. Read Anna all the time.

    • I know! I guess it’s just the time of year for planning reads and rereads 😉

      RIGHT? Truth About Forever is one of my favorites and I don’t know how it’ll hold up. I had a few other favorites be not-as-great the next time around. Glad we have the same GREAT taste in Dessen! hehe.

      I read Anna in the first place because of you! 🙂

  2. Great goal! I’ll probably reread Harry potter at some point (maybe I’ll listen to the audio this time). I need to read Isla still and I’ve only read a few Dessen.

    I have a lot of books on my shelves that need to be read, so I probably won’t do many rereads this year.

    Good luck with our goal!

  3. I love to reread. I wanted to reread the Harry Potter series last year but didn’t get to it – maybe this year! I’ll probably also reread some Kate Morton books and maybe part of the Game of Thrones series. I’m working on rereading my way through my bookshelves to hopefully weed out some books and make room for new ones.

  4. I’m thinking of re-reading the Anna books too. It’s been a while since I read them and I adored them when I first read. And Sarah Dessen. I used to love her books so much. I haven’t liked any of her recent books unfortunately, so maybe I should go back and re-read the ones I loved.

  5. Awesome list, Lauren! I’ve reread Anna a couple times, and I always love it. I’ve never reread the companion novels, though– I should totally do that this year. Also *chants* GEMMA DOYLE GEMMA DOYLE GEMMA DOYLE. I reread all three books last year because, like you, I remembered being absolutely spellbound by that trilogy when I was younger. I’m happy to say that they definitely lived up to past-Madalyn’s love! Now I’ve just turned into a complete and utter fangirl for Gemma and her story. Those books are just so masterfully written! Libba Bray is queen. Okay, I’ll stop gushing now. ANYWAYS, I’d also like to reread some of Sarah Dessen’s books! The only one I’ve previously reread is Along for the Ride, which is my favorite of her novels, but I especially want to reread The Moon and More and Saint Anything.

    • Thank you! My friend Andi (a few comments above) has reread it 13 times now haha.

      OMG I’m SO GLAD Gemma Doyle lived up to your younger days because I’ve been so nervous and building it up for years hahaha.

  6. Rereading is the best! I definitely plan on rereading a bunch this year (hopefully all of the Shadowhunter Chronicles) but I must reread Anna and Dessen’s books at some point too. I never finished the Gemma Doyle series myself because I found the portrayal of LGBT+ aspects problematic. I’m looking forward to seeing what you’ll think of them this time around!

    • I hope I get to these ones at the very least!

      I honestly remember so little about the romance/LGBT+ in the books, so I’ll be curious to see how I feel this time around. I read them SO long ago, before I would have even thought about that kind of thing!

  7. Anna / Lola / Isla is going to be so fun to reread! I may have to join you (unofficially) to do that myself, since it’s been ages since I read them all 😉 I also love seeing Sarah Dessen on here, mostly because I really love her books.

  8. Krystianna

    I am hoping to reread books this year in order to continue on and finish series. This year my main goal is to finish as many series as possible. I have so many going that I just want to know what happens!
    Krystianna @ Downright Dystopian

  9. Oh gosh, this is so me!!! I always plan to reread so much and hardly ever give in and do so. I like the idea of your Nostalgia project! I’ve been dying to reread The Lynburn Legacy and have thought about Lunar Chronicles as well. And I have a few series to reread/finish and lots of standalone contemps I want to reread for the banter and feels 🙂 I’ve reread Anna a couple times but still haven’t read Isla!! Hope you get to all your books this year!

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