As you saw in my recent “get your shit together by the end of the year” post, I have completed all of my year-long reading challenges except for Flights of Fantasy. I’ve participated in this challenge each year because I do love fantasy books, but legitimately need a kick in the pants to read them sometimes. I could read contemporary romance (mixed in with a couple of mysteries maybe) allllll year and not know the difference.
I struggle with fantasy a lot of the time because I get sidetracked and have a short attention span. It took me over a month to read THE CRUEL PRINCE, even though I was obsessed with it, just because I couldn’t SIT and READ it (I mean, until the night I sat and read over half of it in one sitting). But that’s just how I am with fantasy! The first half is struggle-city as I get used to the world-building or pacing, and then the action picks up in the second half and I fly through. I love the actual content within fantasy books and think they’re fascinating, but I don’t feel compelled to read them as often as I should.
That being said, I now have only five books to go to complete the 2017 FoF Challenge. I decided to choose a goal of 30 books this year because I knew it would involve some effort to get that done. I’ve done 20-25 in the past and it was mostly a breeze. Below you’ll find some fantasy books I planned to read this year that I didn’t get to, plus a few more that were brought to my attention. I need to read five of them so I want your help to decide which books to read.
5 Books Left | Flights of Fantasy Challenge
Next book in the series
I think one of my bigger issues within fantasy reading is that I start a series, really enjoy it, and then never get around to the next book. You’ll see that out of the choices below, FOUR of them are the second book in the series. Only two are later in the series. I’d love to make some progress on actually completing series too.
Series-starters or standalones:
Even though my series completion rate isn’t so hot, there are still some I hope to start soon. I’ve had quite a few on my TBR for a while and wanted to narrow it down. Fantasy standalones aren’t super common, but there are two down there that are on my radar for sure.
Hopefully this will help- The Graces is basically contemporary with some witchy elements thrown in. I’m a slow reader and I was able to finish that one in a day!
Oooh that’s very good to know! Sounds seasonally appropriate as well 🙂
I’m reading In Other Lands atm and it’s so good. It’s also a portal fantasy that is very, very laid back – almost satirical in tone – so it’s a bit of quick read (if you’re looking for an easier one). I def need to get on top of series before the end of the year too. I still haven’t read Windwitch!
That sounds awesome — I love portal fantasies!