Top Ten Tuesdays #172: Reread Forever

Posted February 27, 2018 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 8 Comments

Books I Could Reread Forever
AKA Books I’d Actually Reread More than Once

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

I’m not the biggest rereader out there, even though I’d like to be better about it. I made posts in 2017 and 2018 to highlight some books I wanted to reread in those years. I was able to reread the Gemma Doyle trilogy as I planned, as well as Along for the Ride. Sadly, I didn’t get around to any others on my list – the other two Dessen books, the Looking Glass Wars series, or the Anna/Lola/Isla companions. I included Looking Glass Wars on my 2018 post but apparently forgot about the rest. The point of all this is to say that the topic of books I could reread forever really is just a list of books I could actually see myself rereading more than once. There will be duplicates based on some of the stuff I just discussed.

Harry Potter Series

Frankly the only book series I could see myself revisiting for the rest of my life would be HARRY POTTER. I don’t think I’d get tired of the stories and especially the audiobooks. I love the story in that form and I’m overdue for my third read (second reread, that is) of this series sometime within the next year.

Anna Companion Series


From a standalone-ish companion series perspective, these are the way to go. I loved each of the books and their main characters for different and unique reasons. Each brought something new, including journeys to new places and new friends. I haven’t reread these yet, but I know I will sometime soonish. I could revisit these three girls countless times over the upcoming years.

Gallagher Girls Series

I read the first 4-ish books in this series when they were first coming out, but never committed to finishing them up for some reason. I went back and did a reread (mostly through audiobooks) and then completed the series. I will absolutely always love Cammie and the rest of the Gallagher Girls. I’d reread these for sure.

Series of Unfortunate Events

Despite the questionable choices of Daniel Handler, I loved this series written by Lemony Snicket. I did an audio reread in 2016 and it was a fantastic choice. Tim Curry is a great narrator and the books are so short. I finished all 13 within a month, I believe. I’d revisit this series – specifically via audio – for years to come.

The A-List Series

Cristina and I really enjoyed our reread of this series and to be completely honest, I would reread them again someday. I’m so glad I completed my collection and have all the books, since I’m 90% sure they’re out of print now. These were the ultimate books during my teen years and I feel like I’d enjoy them even 10 years from now when I’m seeking a bit of nostalgia.

Gossip Girl Series & It Girl Spin-off Series

Gossip Girl (Gossip Girl, #1) The It Girl (It Girl, #1)

…and along those same lines – I could definitely do the same here. I’m veryyy overdue for a GG and IT GIRL reread. I barely remember anything that happened in them, especially because the GG TV show ruined them. (I liked it, but for very different reasons. The plot and characters were not even close to the same.) I’m planning this reread in the second half of 2018 but again, I’d reread these quick books for nostalgia’s sake for years.

Sarah Dessen’s Books

Image result for sarah dessen books

I’ve said before that she has been my favorite contemporary author for as long as I knew it was a genre. I’ve read all of her books – some more than once – and will continue to read and reread them forever. She just has the most classic stories without seeming repetitive. There are only a couple of them that I didn’t love and probably wouldn’t read again, but honestly who knows.

Gemma Doyle Trilogy

I’ll go out on a limb and say that I could and would most likely read the Gemma Doyle books again. I’ve already forgotten so many details about them and I just did a reread last year. I’m a huge fan of the magic system and the realms, plus this is probably the most I’ve ever enjoyed historical fiction.

8 responses to “Top Ten Tuesdays #172: Reread Forever

  1. The only books on here I’ve read are HP and the Anna books haha but gosh I love rereading HP and Anna in particular! I read a couple nostalgic books last year and it was so fun to revisit something I remembered liking without remembering the details.

  2. Jo

    Harry Potter was on my list this week too! I was never able to finish the Gossip Girl books, I loved the show and it was so different to the books that I just couldn’t enjoy the books after (plus I have different tastes when it comes to TV/movies and books and Gossip Girl is the sort of thing I prefer in TV than books). I loved all of the ASOUE books when I was a kid, but I wouldn’t reread them just because I don’t own the series, I borrowed them from the library.

    Jo recently posted: Top Ten Tuesday #148

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