Header image from Summerathon Twitter account linked below
Hosted by: Melanie @meltotheany | Jen @pinotandpages247 | Heather @bookables
Aimee @aimereadstn | Amy @acourtofcrownsandquills
More information and to follow along: @summerathon on Twitter and Instagram
Mere moments after tweeting something like “ugh I wish I could participate in Summerathon but I won’t be able to read much during its first weekend,” I started drafting this post. Sorry not sorry, I cannot help it and discourage myself from a SUMMER-THEMED READ-A-THON, guys.
Because I did a decent job tackling my June TBR and didn’t have a lot of books left to go on it, I thought I might be able to squish some of those reads into this readathon AND just treat myself to more summery stories for the final week of June. I have Summer TBR / bucket list post going up on Tuesday, so you can see more books, but I am going to pinpoint ones specifically to match the challenge prompts below. I’ll dive right into my potential TBR and goals underneath!
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Goals and Possible TBR
Like I said before, I have my full summery TBR post going up on Tuesday, but I thought I would highlight the top four summer-related books I plan on reading first, as well as how they apply to the guidelines above. The hosts are allowing double-counting for the prompts, so I hope to tick off all the boxes even if )I only manage to finish two books or so during the readathon! (Note: the prompt about reading a favorite summery drink while reading a book should be easy and possible to complete with any of these ?)
The Last Resort by Stapley – Review copy
Categories: involves travel/vacation, beachy read
This is a book I’ve been meaning to knock out early before the pub date. It’s set on a “last chance” resort for couples to save their marriage (involves travel/vacation) and has some kind of tropical storm rolling in! I don’t think it’s set during summertime but the setting will qualify it as a beachy read.
The Summer House by Hale – Review copy
Categories: involves travel/vacation, beachy read, set during summer
Despite how much I love Hale’s holiday books, I have not yet read any of her summer-oriented books! I needed to remedy that and Forever Romance was kind enough to share this latest release with me. It’s been out for a bit but I’ve been waiting until actual summertime. It has most of the categories involved!
The Unhoneymooners by Lauren – Review copy/audiobook
Categories: involves travel/vacation, beachy read, sunrise colors on the cover
Can you tell I’m behind on review copies? I keep putting this one off because I’m nervous to read my first book by this author pair. I know it’s ridiculous, but it’s true! I have an ARC of this sitting on my Kindle still but there’s also a short audiobook available on Scribd, so I will probably alternate.
The Rest of the Story by Dessen – Hardcover
Categories: kind of a beachy read, book with traveling/vacation, set in summer
I ordered this when I went to Sarah Dessen’s tour stop with my sister and have been waiting for the best summery mood to start reading! It’s set at a lake, so it does have some kind of beach involved, but it also fits other categories about summertime and traveling.
The Goodbye Summer by van Name – Review copy/audiobook
Categories: set in summer, food on cover
I’m on the fence about this one in general because it seems to involve a toxic relationship and I’m not sure I’ll be wanting to read that during a light summer readathon? I guess I’ll decide when the time comes, but the ice cream on the cover made this one hard to resist for Summerathon!
The Tea Dragon Society by O’Neill – Library book
Categories: food on cover, beachy read (because of length?)
Is this one a stretch? Sure. There’s a pot of tea on the cover and I think that counts juuuust fine. I want to get something quickly read (this is a graphic novel from the library) and this book would be perfect for that. Also, there’s a different (older?) cover for this book that DOES have actual food on it. I could also consider this a bit of a beach read because it’s quick and short, but I won’t stretch it that far…
Progress Tracking
I’m heading away Friday through Sunday for a bachelorette trip but it actually will be in a coastal town with beach time on Sunday! I hope to get a few good pictures at the beach as well as, of course, some reading time! I hope most people are antisocial at the beach like I am LOL. Regardless, there will probably be a few minutes of off-time here and there on Saturday for me to read as well as Friday during my lunch break.
Day 1 | Friday June 21st
Started: The Summer House
Day 2 | Saturday June 22nd
Didn’t get to read (bachelorette trip)
Day 3 | Sunday June 23rd
Didn’t get to read (bachelorette trip)
Day 4 | Monday June 24th
Finished: The Summer House
Day 5 | Tuesday June 25th
Started / finished: The Tea Dragon Society
Day 6 | Wednesday June 26th
Started / finished: The Unhoneymooners
Started: The Rest of the Story
Day 7 | Thursday June 27th
Continued: The Rest of the Story
Prompts Completed
Beachy read:
✔ The Summer House
✔ The Unhoneymooners
Sunrise colors:
✔ The Unhoneymooners
✔ The Unhoneymooners
✔ The Rest of the Story
Set in summer:
✔ The Summer House
✔ The Tea Dragon Society
✔ The Rest of the Story
Food on the cover:
✔ The Tea Dragon Society
Fave summer drink while reading:
✔ The Summer House
I’m reading The Unhoneymooners for this readathon too!
I was going to do the audiobook but Scribd took it off momentarily so I’m peeved now haha
[…] participated in Summerathon recently, where we focused on reading summer-oriented and beachy reads. Here’s a super quick […]