On My List (9)

I love Jamie’s New to the Queue feature because it highlights new things she’s added to her different “to do/ read/ watch/ etc.” lists. This new random feature – called simply On My List – will show off the most recent books, movies, shows, podcasts, recipes, crafts, and other things to make it on my to-do list. These are the things I’m hoping to get to in the near future. Currently Available The Jetsetters by Ward | I saw this come up on Scribd and was intrigued by the title, so I went over to Goodreads to check it out. I wasn’t totally sold on the synopsis but I feel like I saw a good review somewhere and decided to go back and add it. Frozen Beauty by Hillyer | It’s kind of funny that I’m adding this after seeing a three-star review (not a raving one) but I was intrigued enough to add it. I’ve been having a lot of success with the kind of mystery/thriller books lately and it’s really what’s getting me through reading lately. Freaky in Fresno by Crompton | I liked Laurie Boyle Crompton’s other book well enough and think her inspiration from 80’s movies is really fun. This is a Freaky Friday kind of premise, so I’m sold. Unreleased Books Head Over Heels by Orenstein | I’m intrigued by this premise because of the gymnastics and Massachusetts hometown return. I don’t think I also need to tell you that these illustrated covers keep sucking me in. I wish this one had a […]