The Bright Side (7/17)

Posted July 17, 2020 / Personal / Information / Etc. / 0 Comments

As we’re all going through the same global pandemic with various levels of “stay the F home,” I thought it would be fun to highlight the good things in each week, instead of dwelling on the negatives, the unknowns, and the uncertain future. I tend to do some kind of wrap-up or rundown of my week/month/etc. on Fridays each week (often linking up with Friday Favorites/Currently) so this isn’t too much of a diversion from that.

✨ Miller!

Of course Miller is still a bright spot, but if you saw my post the other day – he’s a challenge too! Puppies are genuinely so hard and I didn’t remember it from childhood dogs haha. He’s a really good boy and easy to train, especially because he loves food

✨ Vacation/Puppy Play Date

Chris’s company shuts down for two separate weeks of the year instead of offering PTO (ugh). One of them is always around the Fourth of July, so I took the week off with him. We were supposed to go to Niagra Falls with friends but obviously that’s been put off for hopefully maybe next year lol. We got together with a few of the friends who we were supposed to take the trip with because they kept the days off as well, because we needed to get all the dogs together! Miller was reintroduced to his sister Mayla and introduced to Baby Bella. They all were pretty good together!

✨ Picnics During Naptime

When the pup naps in his crate, we need to be away from him for him to sleep. We’ve had a few picnics in bed to avoid him hearing us haha. We got Applebee’s delivered because I was craving it and then had a few dips with chips (and a new Spiked Smoothie!).

✨ Younger

excited hilary duff GIF by YoungerTV

I used to watch this religiously but for some reason I lost touch with it for a couple of years! I decided while working from home that I would try to attack some TV shows in the background. It was really nice to watch a bunch of these this week; it’s so easy to fall back in.

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