Admiring book covers and bookmarks, shared by you!
Welcome to INSIDE AND OUT. This feature includes two of my absolute favorite book-related things: bookmarks (inside) and book covers (out)! I’ve invited guest posters to share their favorite book covers and bookmarks here on the second and fourth Mondays of each month. Sign-ups are always open (see bottom of post)! Check out past posts here.
Sarah from What Sarah Read
Twitter: @whatsarahread| Instagram: @whatsarahread| Tumblr| Pinterest | Goodreads
Tell me a little about yourself: I feel like my Twitter bio describes me perfectly! I’m a…Boston girl, book blogger, cat lover, diet coke addict, cheeseburger expert, daydreamer, fangirl, disney obsessed, unapologetic goofball and lover of life!! Yep…that’s me in a nutshell.
Talk about your blog (what you blog about/kinds of books, features, etc.): What Sarah Read just celebrated it’s one year anniversary back in May and I am so thrilled with how many friends and readers I have met along the way. You’ll find book reviews that are usually accompanied by fun mood boards, as well as special features highlighting my favorite books, weekly memes like Top Ten Tuesday, and my own original feature…Fangirl Friday. It’s a fun way to invite my bookish friends to the blog each week to have them fangirl about their favorite things.
Favorite genre: Do I really have to choose? I love young adult contemporary AND fantasy. There are so many amazing books from each that I could never possibly choose. As long as a book has a lot of soul and tells an amazing story…I’m sold!
Three books you recommend most often and why: I recommend soooo many books that I could never choose just three, but here are the first three that came to mind today!
- I’ll Meet You There by Heather Demetrios: It’s an intensely moving story, filled with beautiful moments and heart-wrenching emotion. The raw and realistic story of Skylar and Josh will grab on to your heart and never let go. One of my favorite favorite fictional couples of all time.
- Heir of Fire by Sarah J. Maas: It’s no secret that I am a huge fan of the Throne of Glass series, and so far “Heir of Fire” has been my favorite of the bunch. Epic is the best word I can use to describe it, but others that come to mind are captivating, heart-wrenching, exhilarating and mesmerizing. I’m so excited that the next book in this series, “Queen of Shadows”, in only a month away!
- The Boy Most Likely To by Huntley Fitzpatrick: This one comes out in next week (YAHOO!), and trust me when I say you HAVE to get it. If you loved “My Life Next Door”, then you definitely need to read Tim’s story. It will leave you in a puddle of emotion and floating on cloud nine!
Anything else to share? Personal plug for something coming up? It’s been a busy summer for me and I’m currently in the middle of a move, but I hope to get the creative juices flowing this fall for some fun features on What Sarah Read! Stay tuned!!
What book do we have here? The Heart of Betrayal by Mary E. Pearson
Have you read it yet? If so, how was it? I have read this book and I absolutely adored it! “The Heart of Betrayal” just takes the Remnant Chronicles series to a whole other level! It’s filled with intrigue, magic and swoony moments…everything I love in an amazing book!!
What makes this cover a favorite? It totally captures the dark and mysterious feel of the book, plus I’m a sucker for a “girl in a dress” cover.
What kind/style of covers do you usually pine over (script fonts, bright colors, realistic, etc.)? Font and overall tone are what really grab me. An amazing cover always captures the essence of the book you’re reading, and when you look at it you totally get the feeling of the story inside.
What bookmark did you chose? I choose two adorable bookmarks that were created just for ME!!
What makes this one special to you? These bookmarks are special to me, because I collaborated with the ladies from CraftedVan to create them. I wanted something fun and useful to give away to all of the bookish buddies I met while at Book Expo America 2015, and thought this would be the perfect thing. I was so thrilled when they were a huge hit!
Where’s it from? Craftedvan on Etsy!
What kind of bookmarks do you prefer (paper, magnetic, quotes, etc.)? I love magnetic bookmarks, mostly because I’m bringing my books on the train for my daily commute to work, and these little suckers hang to the page on for dear life. They never fall out or lose my place, despite being tossed into my purse and lugged around the city all day.
Thanks so much for joining Inside & Out, Sarah! I was lucky enough to have Sarah as my Secret Sister last round and she spoiled me. Her reveal package even included one of those adorable bookmarks 🙂
Join in the fun!
Important: Sign-ups are always open and currently scheduled through September.
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