Bookmark Lit is TWO! – Blogiversary & Giveaway

Posted July 16, 2016 / Personal / Information / Etc. / 33 Comments

blogiversary Bookmark Lit is two and I can’t believe I’ve had a hobby this long. It never ceases to amaze me. I never thought blogging would get this fun or I would meet so many people. I literally couldn’t have dreamed it. Between meeting people at ALA and BEA, becoming real life friends, and chatting books all day every day… I’m super grateful!
looking back annivI went through and shared some stats last time around, so I’m going to do the same thing today! I hope you enjoy seeing what I’ve been doing for the past couple of years. I also want to talk about some of my favorite posts within the last year or so. (This was completed on 7/5 so some of the stats may be a little off, but you’ll get the idea!)

Books read since I started the blog: 367
Book rating average: 3.99
Number of reviews posted:
Number of discussions, rec lists, memes, etc. posted:
Total number of posts: 737
First post ever: Review: We Were Liars
Month with the most posts:
August 2014
Month with the most visits: January 2016
Day with the most visits: January 3, 2016 
Post with the most comments: I’m a Fake Fantasy Reader
Post with the most views:
Organization Part 2, My Traveler’s Notebook
Top searches to refer people here: “if i stay” and “read a thon sign in”
Top referrers to BL: Book Addict’s Guide and Alexa Loves Books
Popular post view time: Tuesdays at 10:00AM

many thanksAs always, I have to give Andi | Andi’s ABCs a shoutout first. My first bloggy friend who got me to read/love Anna. Thank you for everything. You’re one of my very favorites even if your football team is totally not 😉

So so much love to Brittany | The Book Addict’s Guide for being another early blog friend, as well as one of my conference buddies! Thanks for always being there to chat about books and Friends. Speaking of conference buddies, Amy | Tripping Over Books is another person who I’ve loved spending IRL time with at ALA and BEA. Thanks for being a fun sister to send to as well! I love you guys.

My real life CT friend, Alyssa | Books Take You Places – I don’t know what to say about you that hasn’t already been said in our conversations/rants, Lucille Bluth gifs, and various texting conversations, but you’re the best <3 Thanks for reading contemporaries and then seeing the movies with me 😉

Thanks to Erica | Novel Ink for chatting with me all the time via text! It’s been so great getting to know you over the past few months and making our book tag together. I hope we can meet in real life sometime soon!

My Book Buddies are still just as amazing (even though TBH we’re all a little lazier now, hahaha) as they were in the beginning. Thanks for flailing over (or ranting about) books with me each month, Cristina | Girl in the Pages and Kaitlin | Next Page Please! You guys make me happy.

My Secret Sisters have been fantastic. Thank you to Sarah | What Sarah Read, Nicole | The Quiet Concert, and Ginger | G Reads for being so thoughtful for the past few years. This community is amazing.

Many thanks go out to the TMIT ladies on Twitter who keep me going on a daily basis. You know who you are and quite a few of you don’t blog anymore so I’m not going to link anything here 😉  Loveeee.

I absolutely love chatting with you guys on twitter or in my comments, as well as reading your blogs! — Alexa | Alexa Loves Books, Erin | The Hardcover Lover, Jamie | The Perpetual Page-Turner, Hannah | So Obsessed With, Morgan | Gone with the Words, Lindsey | Bring My Books, and Laura | Scribbles and Wanderlust.

And of course, thank you to YOU for reading. Seriously I would never have kept up this hobby if it weren’t for the hundreds of you who read my words every week. You’re all the best ever and I appreciate it SO much!giveawayyyy

In honor of my blogiversary, I’m going to give away TWO BOOKS to lucky readers. One person will win a physical copy of a book I’ve reviewed on my blog (up to $15) and another person will win an ebook copy of a book I’ve reviewed (up to $10). If you need to see the books I’ve reviewed, this is a comprehensive list!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

33 responses to “Bookmark Lit is TWO! – Blogiversary & Giveaway

  1. So many congratulations on your second blogging anniversary! Your blog is one of my absolute FAVORITES, I’m sure it would be even if we weren’t friends 😉 I can’t wait ton continue working with you in the future, and I can’t wait until we meet IRL…because it must happen one day!!

  2. Congrats on your second Blogoversary, Lauren! I’ve only been following you for a few months but I’ve enjoyed reading a lot of your posts ever since I found it! Here’s to more blogoversaries to come. <3

  3. Happy blogoversary, Lauren! I’m glad this has been such a positive and rewarding experience for you. Here’s to many more years of blogging, lady! I absolutely love your posts! 🙂

  4. I started following your blog when I saw your blog was participating in one of Hannah @ Irish Banana’s blog tours, and I adore your blog layout; it’s so gorgeous and cozy! Happy blogoversary! 🙂 It’s awesome far you’ve gotten with your blog!

  5. Okay, so… I literally just now found out about your blog. So I haven’t had the time to explore (yet (: ).
    First things first, happy blogiversary! So your blog is two years old… that’s a very mature blog right here.
    I’m really loving your blog (so glad I found it). I’ll be on my way to look at some posts now (:

  6. I remember the moment I started following your blog; when I was paired with you for TBTB Secret Santa two years ago!! I had to stalk you hahaha and I loved your blog and thought you sounded like such a fun person that I would love to be friends with. So I’m glad that all worked out! You have such great posts and graphics, and I love chatting on twitter with you about so many different things 🙂 Congrats on 2 years!! I hope we’ll get to meet in person someday <3

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