Ten Character Names I Love
Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.
This week’s TTT is: Ten Characters I’d Name A Child/Dog/Cat/Car/Etc. after — we did this topic back in 2011 and thought it might be fun to revisit it…feel free to spin it how you need! This is really fun. I’m terrible about remembering names though. I just went through my “read” list on Goodreads and pulled out names (even if they were common ones) that I loved. Most of these names were actually already on my ~favorite name~ list before reading the books, but it helps that I saw them again 😉
I split these into boys and girls names. As you can see, I do kind of like more unique names! I’m not sure if I would really name a child a few of these (Frances, Aster, Ronan, and Griffin) but the rest are definitely ones I’d enjoy naming a kid or pet. I’ve always loved Lucas, Reed, Tucker (I know this is a last name, but I love it as a first name!), Harper, Avery, and Piper. A lot of these are definitely not because I enjoyed the character themselves. Some of these people were real buttholes and their inclusion here is purely name-related.
I love Reed and Griffin. They seem like such strong names. Harper and Piper are adorable. Great list!!
Thank you 😀
Avery is such a lovely name! I adore it.
I know, me too! It’s one of my long-time favorites.
I love the name Lucas. It’s such beautiful name! And Piper seems like such a nice name too. Great list!
Thank you 🙂
Reed is a cute name! I’d definitely name a child that, same with Griffin and Avery. The Thousadnth Floor has sooo many pretty names. I love Eris as well. I think I kind of have a thing for old-fashioned names? Great list!
I understand that! haha.