Top Ten Tuesdays #207: Halloween

Posted October 30, 2018 / Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 0 Comments

Halloween Over the Years & Some Favorites

Top Ten Tuesdays were started by The Broke and the Bookish and are now hosted by That Artsy Reader Girl, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review.

I can’t lie, I’m not really a Halloween person. There are a lot of movies I like to watch each year and think dressing up can be fun, but I’m not really a Halloween-ish reader or fan of super scary movies. I thought I would do a little round-up of Halloween-related posts I’ve done and highlight some spooky-ish favorites from over the years.

Guest Posts for Fortnight of Fright

I’ve participated in Fortnight of Fright multiple times since I started blogging and had the pleasure of posting on the blogs of all three hostesses 😉 I’ve talked about less spooky Halloween media that I love, as well as my birthday trip to Salem from last year.

2014: Halloween Movies & Shows on Tripping Over Books
2015: Less Creepy Halloween at Books Take You Places
2017: Birthday Trip to Salem, MA at Book Addict’s Guide


Top Ten Tuesdays

You can always count on a TTT post to highlight Halloween near the end of October! Not to toot my own horn, but I’ve done some fun Halloween-related posts over the years. Here are some highlights…

Books/Movies to Read/Watch for Halloween & Characters I’d Be for Halloween
Halloween/Fall Books
My Favorite Halloween Costumes Over the Years & Paired Books
Bookish Costume Ideas

General Halloween Recs & Faves

Favorite Halloween Movies

Most of my Halloween movies are related to the less scary films or shows of my childhood. I don’t do a lot of scary movies because Chris doesn’t like them, but these four movies will probably be watched each year!

Halloweentown Poster Tower of Terror Poster The Nightmare Before Christmas Poster It's the Great Pumpkin, Charlie Brown Poster

Favorite Spooky or Creepy Books

The “creepy” books I’m more likely to read tend to fall on the mystery/thriller side of the spectrum, as opposed to horror. I love books that make me a little nervous and my heart races, but I stay away from more gory ones. Here are some of the generally spooky books I’ve enjoyed over the years!


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