Recent Read-Bait: Fake Dating, Bucket Lists, and Family Drama

Posted August 4, 2016 / Book Lists, Features / 12 Comments

read bait header You may remember my read-bait series from a long time ago, where I talked about certain keywords, phrases, and tropes that call my name. I planned to keep going with these posts because there are many, many topics that suck me right in. My most recent post discussed reunions, memory loss, and boarding school. Here I am today to talk about recent words that have grabbed me…fake dating bucket list familythey started it

I’ve been adding books to my TBR that feature these three topics because of the above books. I recently (finally) read The Fill-In Boyfriend by Kasie West. I waited forever because I was nervous about some of the other elements of the story. It wasn’t my favorite by her, but it definitely succeeded in getting me to add more fake dating to the TBR. Since You’ve Been Gone by Morgan Matson is a book I read back in 2014, but it got me thinking about bucket lists and other situations where the main character is checking items off some kind of list. I love that kind of thing so much because there are always so many adventures to be had! And lastly, adult fiction is generally something I don’t read as much as I want to… and I have SO many on my TBR! I’ve been loving the books about family drama or changing family dynamics lately, which started with Where We Fall by Rochelle B. Weinstein. Any kind of family going through changes or growing apart or getting divorced makes it onto my TBR very quickly.

Recent TBR Additions

fake dating

The Fine Art of Pretending by Rachel Harris /// fake dating to attract a boy and change her image
The Way to Game the Walk of Shame by Jenn P. Nguyen /// fake dating to “save” her reputation
The Art of Lainey by Paula Stokes /// fake dating to get her boyfriend back

Others I’ve read and enjoyed:
Faking It by Cora Carmack
The Deal by Elle Kennedy

Others on my TBR worth mentioning:
No Love Allowed by Kate Evangelista
Grave Mercy by Robin LaFevers

bucket lists

The Bucket List to Mend a Broken Heart by Anna Bell /// finds and follows an old bucket list
The Survival Kit by Donna Freitas /// mother passes away and leaves behind a survival kit
13 Little Blue Envelopes by Maureen Johnson /// following letters from a loved one who passed away

Others I’ve read and enjoyed:
The Start of Me and You by Emery Lord
The Revenge Playbook by Rachael Allen

Others on my TBR worth mentioning:
The Loose Ends List by Carrie Firestone
Side Effects May Vary by Julie Murphy

family drama
The Nest by Cynthia D’Aprix Sweeney /// family members fight aboud and deal with inheritance
With Love from the Inside by Angela Pisel /// relationship between a daughter and her mother on death row
Lies and Other Acts of Love by Kristy Woodson Harvey /// family changes and lies/truth

Others I’ve read and enjoyed:
Results May Vary by Bethany Chase
After I Do by Taylor Jenkins Reid
Mystic Summer by Hannah McKinnon
Nowhere But Home by Liza Palmer

Others on my TBR worth mentioning:
Everything’s Relative by Jenna McCarthy
Leave Me by Gayle Forman
The Goodbye Year by Kaira Rouda
The Wedding Sisters by Jamie Brenner

12 responses to “Recent Read-Bait: Fake Dating, Bucket Lists, and Family Drama

  1. I love family drama! And bucket lists. I don’t know that I’ve read many fake dating books, but I did get the sequel to The Fine Art of Pretending at BEA, so I need to check that one out first.

  2. These posts are seriously so much fun to check out – and I always end up adding a ton of books to my list of titles to consider adding to my TBR! I’ve definitely got to check out The Fill-In Boyfriend soon. I’ve only ever read one Kasie West novel and while it wasn’t my fave, it was still pretty cute 🙂

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