I did this book tag/survey from Jamie at The Perpetual Page-Turner WAY BACK in 2014 when I first started my blog. My answers were obviously quite different and I don’t even really want to link to it because good lord, the graphics from then make me cringe. In my quest for finding a fun book tag to do for today, I wanted to redo this one with updated answers!
Author you’ve read the most books from:
Thank you Goodreads, for making this very easy. I’ve read the most books from Sara Shepard, which is truly the least surprising news ever. I’ve read THIRTY-TWO books by her because I’ve read each of her super-long series and a lot of the standalones as well. This number continues to increase.
Best Sequel Ever:
I think the best sequel is probably a toss-up between PS I Still Love You by Jenny Han (5 stars, same as TATBILB) The Long Game by Jennifer Lynn Barnes (5 stars, which is actually more than book #1), or Rebel Angels by Libba Bray (5 stars, also up from the first book in the series). I also totally did this by only looking at the second book in a series as the sequel because otherwise it’d take me forever to investigate my archives.
Currently Reading:
I’m writing this on April 6th, so I’m currently reading The Chaos of Standing Still by Jessica Brody (also mixing in the audiobook sometimes) and Infamous by Alyson Noel. The latter is the final book in the trilogy and I’m so pumped Scribd had it on there on release day!
Drink of Choice While Reading:
I generally love all drinks while reading, but I think the most logical answer would be coffee in some form (iced or regular). I would also have to make hot chocolate a close second because I love it during the winter while I read holiday books.
E-reader or Physical Book?
I can’t lie, I love collecting and reading physical books because there’s nothing quite like that feeling… but reading on my Kindle e-reader is SO much easier. I can read with one hand, in the dark, without any problems! I also noticed I read faster on my Kindle too. Maybe I get less distracted or something?
Fictional Character You Probably Would Have Actually Dated In High School:
This is tough because I had a very specific kind of asshole boyfriend in high school, so I’m tempted to base it on him… but instead I’ll go with the kind of guy who would be up my alley in general back then. I think Sam Henry from Catching Jordan by Miranda Kenneally is the best here. I loved their relationship and always went for the “best friends to more” concept when I was in high school, hoping the neighbor I loved would marry me (lolz).
Glad You Gave This Book A Chance:
The first book that always pops into my head is The Gentleman’s Guide to Vice and Virtue by Mackenzi Lee because it’s the kind of book I’d add to my TBR because of hype and never actually read? I tend to stay away from male narrators and historical fiction, and this had both. More books like this here!
Hidden Gem Book:
Again, my go-to answer for this one is The One Thing by Marci Lyn Curtis. I’m constantly surprised at how few people have read this one! I absolutely love Marci’s writing style and both of her books have been wonderful so far. I’ll never stop recommending it.
Important Moment in your Reading Life:
I kind of always go back to the moment I decided to start a blog, when I was reading Before I Fall by Lauren Oliver and discovered book blogs. I had just gotten back into reading after college ended and loved seeing other people’s thoughts on Goodreads (which I had been using since sometime during college). It inspired me to start my blog and my reading has increased ever since.
Just Finished:
As of April 6th, the last book I finished was The Elizas by Sara Shepard. Go figure she ends up on here again! I finished it a few days ago and frankly I was a bit disappointed. It’s probably my least favorite of her books? It was a bit predictable in the second half of the story and I expected another twist or two to keep things fresh.
Kinds of Books You Won’t Read:
I’m fairly open, but there are some general topics or genres I’m not into. I like contemporary adult fiction and the very occasional suspense/mystery/thriller, but I don’t usually do adult historical fiction, science fiction, or fantasy. I like those genres in YA though. For more specific topics instead of genres, you can see a whole post about anti-read-bait words from synopses here as well.
Longest Book You’ve Read:
I love Goodreads yet again. According to that, the longest book I’ve read is Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix by JK Rowling, which is 870 pages. Pretty huuuuuge.
Major Book Hangover Because of:
I feel like I get so many book hangovers! Usually they happen when a book is super emotionally draining, or I love it so much that I can’t move on yet, or the characters are way too ingrained in my head to move away from yet. I think the biggest one in recent memory is Nowhere But Home by Liza Palmer. I literally wanted to crawl inside this book and never leave because of how much I loved everyone. In desperate need of a reread soon!
Number of Bookcases You Own:
Let’s see, five probably? My books are currently allll over the place (storage, my dad’s house in my old bookshelves, Chris’s parents’ house, in Maine, etc.). When I have everything up and running and pulled together, I have the following: one corner bookshelf, two skinny white bookshelves, an entertainment center with a few spots for books, a standard bookshelf… I don’t even know how to answer this question haha.
One Book You Have Read Multiple Times:
Not the biggest rereader in the world. I’ve read a handful of books twice, but there are probably like zero books I’ve read three or more times. I can’t think of any right now. The most recent book I reread was Caraval by Stephanie Garber, which is surprising. I usually only reread when I’m feeling nostalgic for an old series, but this was done as a catch-up before the next book came out.
Preferred Place to Read:
I always love this question! My very favorite place to read is in the pool. I hold my book or Kindle above the water and walk around inside the water. I lay down on a float and dip my feet in when I get hot too. Reading outside in the summer or general warm weather is my favorite (like the porch or on the beach). However, I LOVE reading in the bathtub (clearly I have a thing for water-related reading), in bed, and cozied up with lots of blankets and a warm beverage. More spots here too 😉
Quote That Inspires You or Gives You All the Feels from a Book You’ve Read:
Taylor Jenkins Reid always has the most quotable books I’ve read. Usually they’re about relationships, but there are some pieces mixed in about destiny, fate, choices, and general ~life~ things. Some from Maybe in Another Life by TJR are my favorite. Here is one:
“I think I have to believe that life will work out the way it needs to. If everything that happens in the world is just a result of chance and there’s no rhyme or reason to any of it, that’s just too chaotic for me to handle. I’d have to go around questioning every decision I’ve ever made, every decision I will ever make. If our fate is determined with every step we take . . . it’s too exhausting. I’d prefer to believe that things happen as they are meant to happen.”
Reading Regret:
This is a tough one! I’m not totally sure if I have any. My post from 2014 said something similar, and also that I wish I used Goodreads earlier. That would have been awesome because there are plenty of books on there that I wish were on my fun shelves (book boyfriends, books I read in a day, etc.) from years past.
Series You Started and Need To Finish:
I have a lot of these! I’m okay with reading books as they come out in my favorite series, usually, but I’m worse about already published series. I wanted to binge-read (and reread, in the case of the first few books) the Secrets of My Hollywood Life by Jen Calonita series and for some reason I keep putting it off?
Three of your All-Time Favorite Books:
I never feel bad about saying the Harry Potter series by JK Rowling as one book because c’mon, right? Two other favorites that are right at the top of my mind (maybe from recently talking about them in this very survey) are Maybe in Another Life by Taylor Jenkins Reid and Nowhere But Home by Liza Palmer. I’m shocked that I put two adult fiction books in there, but that’s where my brain went right now!
Unapologetic Fangirl For:
Hmmmm, I’m not really as huge of a bookish fangirl compared to things like wrestling, Lego, certain movies and shows, etc. Don’t get me wrong: there are a lot of authors I super duper love, but I’m not much of a collector (in terms of bookish swag, multiple copies and ARCs/foreign editions/etc.). I think the biggest author I would generally fangirl over is Sarah Dessen because she’s been my favorite since I was a teen, and I loved being able to meet her with my sister last year!
Very Excited For This Release More Than All The Others:
Oh god this is tough!! My gut instinct is to say The Complication by Suzanne Young because I have thoroughly loved every minute of that series and can’t believe it’s finally coming to an end. Womp. Another one I can’t resist mentioning is 9 Days and 9 Nights by Katie Cotugno because its predecessor is one of my favorites that I think about all the time. AND if I’m going to move outside of 2018/books coming soon, I’d say King of Scars by Leigh Bardugo because GIVE ME NIKOLAI.
Worst Bookish Habit:
I feel like one of my worst bookish habits is that I get super excited for books, buy them, and don’t read them forever. Don’t get me wrong – there are some new releases that I manage to read immediately. This is usually the case for all-time favorite, auto-buy authors and series. But just normal books, maybe from new authors but the plot sounds great? They sit on my shelf.
X Marks The Spot: Start at the top left of your shelf and pick the 27th book:
Well… I can’t exactly do this because my books are all gone and away from me right now. Instead, I’ll got to my “owned physical” shelf on Goodreads and pick the 26th book on there based on alphabetical order. Let’s pretend my bookshelves are that organized. The winner is: Dirty Rush by Taylor Bell.
Your latest book purchase:
There was a random sale for Circe by Madeline Miller where the preorder for the hardcover was under $3, so I hopped on it… even though I’m not sure I’ll even read it. The most recent book I purchased and already received, though? That would be The Immortalists by Chloe Benjamin at a book event last month.
ZZZ-snatcher book (last book that kept you up WAY late):
I feel like there are way too many books like this lately! The last 2-3 books I finished were definitely ones I pushed to continue reading when I should have been sleeping. I went into the last five books I read and picked the one where my Goodreads update was the latest at night (in the morning, lol whoops). That book is very easily Starry Eyes by Jenn Bennett. I marked it as finished at 2:42 AM. DAMN.
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