Category: TBR Lists

Top Ten Tuesdays #159: Winter TBR

Posted November 28, 2017 / TBR Lists, Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 7 Comments
Top Ten Tuesdays #159: Winter TBR

Ten Books I’m Reading ASAP in January 2018 Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review. Because you’ve seen my holiday TBR already this week, you may have a good idea of which books I’ll be hitting in December. Combine THAT with the monthly TBR post I have coming up later this week and you get the full picture. I decided to feature instead the ten books I’m reading ASAP in January/late winter 2018. That way, you can see a different list instead of the same books repeated all week 😉 December/January Releases    Foolish Hearts by Emma Mills // I’m going to want to read this the minute I acquire it at some point, but I think I won’t have enough time in 2017 based on my other “required reading.” I’ve heard nothing but GREAT things about this story, plus I already have loooooved Mills’ two other books. Top priority! As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti // I have an egalley of this already but haven’t gotten to it. I think this could be my first review copy of the new year! I’ve been enjoying the wish-themed books lately and hopefully this one lives up to the potential. Together at Midnight by Jennifer Castle // I LOVE this premise! I’m a huge fan of […]

Tis the Season! | Holiday Plans & TBR 2017

Tis the Season! | Holiday Plans & TBR 2017

As usual, I’m overly excited to bring you my reading plan for the holidays! I also have a bunch of other fun things to include, because maybe you know by now how much I love the Christmas season. I wanted to post this early enough to share the Book Buddies book we’re reading for December (because I’m starting it soon) and the other movies or shows I plan to binge ASAP. I started listening to Christmas music the day after Halloween, so I usually don’t care about “after Thanksgiving I can be excited for Christmas” stuff…. but I thought this would be a good time to share. At the bottom of the post, you’ll find ALL of the recent years’ holiday posts, which includes book reviews, discussions, holiday guest posts, Christmassy tags, and lists of my favorite books or tropes. I haven’t done a recap yet in these “intro” posts so if you’re looking for immediate recommendations to add to your TBR this year, check those posts out! I will be using the same review format as last year, including the cheer-o-meter and holiday graphics to show which are mentioned in the book! I’m a big fan of these graphics and review information, so hopefully no one is sick of seeing them quite yet 😉 As you can see, I have a decent amount of options here! Of course there could be some more that pop up and my TBRs are never set in stone. I wanted to include a few […]

November TBR | Netgalley November!

Posted October 30, 2017 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 6 Comments
November TBR | Netgalley November!

I recently started a monthly TBR feature, where I try to pin down which books I plan to read in the upcoming month. It also helps remind me throughout the month which books I’m supposed to be reading, for various reasons. I add a little poll at the bottom too, so you guys can vote and help me narrow down some of my options as well. Here are my top TBR choices for this month and how I did last month… October Progress I feel pretty good about this, even though I didn’t do a great job at reading my physical copies. I did, however, get KISSING MAX HOLDEN done to return to my sister when I’m home (aka now). I read a good portion of my library books and only had to return one unread (it was a summery book anyways so I wasn’t in the mood). Otherwise, banged out an ARC from my list and two new fall releases. On Deck for November Netgalley November I’ve decided to give myself a mini challenge for November, which I am calling NETGALLEY NOVEMBER. This basically is me forcing myself to read alllll of my backlist review copies on NG this month. Not gonna lie, my percentage on there is around 75% so I don’t have too much to do to get it past 80%. However, I don’t think I’ve ever crossed that “ideal” threshold and THIS month I will do it. There are honestly a handful on here that I don’t have […]

October TBR

Posted September 28, 2017 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 2 Comments
October TBR

I recently started a monthly TBR feature, where I try to pin down which books I plan to read in the upcoming month. It also helps remind me throughout the month which books I’m supposed to be reading, for various reasons. I add a little poll at the bottom too, so you guys can vote and help me narrow down some of my options as well. Here are my top TBR choices for this month and how I did last month… September Progress Not too bad… Kinda. I mean, my goal was to read a few library books and a few physical books and I totally failed at that. But! I did manage to finish off a series and bring all 10 books home to CT. My shelf is freeeee! And, to be fair, I’m still reading THE CRUEL PRINCE, but it’s worth mentioning here that I’m at least working on it. I got totally distracted by the MARA DYER trilogy for my book club and binged those three in a row. Whoops? On Deck for October Read ALL Library Books Ash & Bramble and Rose & Thorn by Sarah Prineas The Book of Summer by Michelle Gable I’m so annoyed with myself because I had a lot of great books checked out and let them fall by the wayside. I ended up having to return just about everything. I’m determined to read this fairytale retelling duo, plus one more summery book! Let’s see if I can pull it off before […]

Top Ten Tuesdays #150: Fall TBR

Posted September 19, 2017 / TBR Lists, Top 10 Tuesdays, Weekly Memes / 14 Comments
Top Ten Tuesdays #150: Fall TBR

Top Books on my Fall TBR Top Ten Tuesdays are hosted by The Broke and the Bookish, where we make lists of our top ten books (or something else!) based on that week’s prompt. The topics are provided ahead of time and can be found here. Book links bring you to Goodreads or my review. I love TBR posts. Can’t help it. I feel like I’ve made 10 in the last month alone, for various reasons, but I’m always happy to bring another one around. There are PLENTY of books I’ve been pushing off for no reason, plus the excellent new fall releases to start at some point. (I loved Cristina’s post the other day about falling into fantasy books because I do the same thing with fantasy in the autumn! You’ll see some “heavier” books here now that summer is over.) Here are ten-ish books on my fall TBR that I must read. See also: September TBR, Fall Bingo TBR, and End of Summer Reading Plans I’m definitely a seasonal reader – I prefer my heavier, fantasy, or somewhat-spooky reads to happen in the fall. I keep things much lighter in the summer for the beach, so you can bet that my fall feels happen the minute September starts. I hope to read some spookier books, like What Waits in the Woods and What Waits in the Water by Kieran Scott (second not pictured) and There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins. I think that Haunting the Deep by Adriana Mather will be more […]

Challenge Round-Up: Fall Bingo TBR Ideas and ContRom Monthly Topic

Posted September 7, 2017 / Book Challenges, Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 2 Comments
Challenge Round-Up: Fall Bingo TBR Ideas and ContRom Monthly Topic

Today’s post has a dual purpose, much like the personal post coming this Saturday. This is sort of a challenge round-up to take care of some business. First up is the bookish bingo card for this fall. I wanted to try to outline some TBR ideas, which I have occasionally done in the past. I always forget the books that first come to mind when I see the new card, so here we go for that. Second, I want to do the Contemporary Romance Challenge monthly topic – this time it’s about rereading. Fall Bingo TBR Ideas I’m loving the squares on this bingo card! I hope this is another season where I’m able to finish the whole thing off. Again, these are just book ideas down below because you know my mood reading will take me in so many different directions instead.     Mental health: All Things New by Lauren Miller Set in another country: Love & Gelato by Jenna Evans Welch Ensemble cast: Heart of Glass by Zoey Dean Fall release: The Knowing by Sharon Cameron     Yellow cover: Beautiful Stranger by Zoey Dean Different culture: The Education of Margot Sanchez Person on cover: California Dreaming by Zoey Dean 2017 debut: Kissing Max Holden by Katy Upperman     Horror: There’s Someone Inside Your House by Stephanie Perkins Required reading: Twelfth Night by William Shakespeare Illustrations: Fables Vol. 5 by Bill Willingham Magic in the real world: As You Wish by Chelsea Sedoti     Asian American author: I Believe in a Thing Called Love by Maurene Goo Set at a school: A Dangerous Year […]

September TBR

Posted August 31, 2017 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 9 Comments
September TBR

I recently started a monthly TBR feature, where I try to pin down which books I plan to read in the upcoming month. It also helps remind me throughout the month which books I’m supposed to be reading, for various reasons. I add a little poll at the bottom too, so you guys can vote and help me narrow down some of my options as well. Here are my top TBR choices for this month and how I did last month… August Progress LOL at my August TBR. That seriously got thrown out the window. I can mostly blame my extremely enjoyable A-LIST binge but I also don’t care. I was looking for books to beef up my reading and general desire to read, and everything I read did just that. I hope to get on target for September though because UGH I’m the worst?? On Deck for September Finish off THE A-LIST Series   Heart of Glass, Beautiful Stranger, and California Dreaming by Zoey Dean I plan to attack these pretty quickly because our feature is next week. I can usually read them in 1-2 sitting so I’m definitely not nervous about it. I don’t need to complete everything until Wednesday because that’s the review day in our feature. Anyways, I needed a little break from the series before finishing it up, but I’m ready now. Finish The Reading Quest I think I had hearts or stars or something in my eyes when I thought I’d have time to finish off […]

August TBR

August TBR

I recently started a monthly TBR feature, where I try to pin down which books I plan to read in the upcoming month. It also helps remind me throughout the month which books I’m supposed to be reading, for various reasons. I add a little poll at the bottom too, so you guys can vote and help me narrow down some of my options as well. Here are my top TBR choices for this month and how I did last month… July Progress    I definitely went a little off-book for July! I kept reading random ebooks from the library or my Kindle without really thinking about what was on my TBR for the month. Oh well! I was happy to bang out the above egalleys – one was wonderful and heartbreaking (GIRL NEXT DOOR)… the other was terrible (36 QUESTIONS). Here’s hoping I read more summery books in August (especially ones on the TBR. Cough). I also started IN SOME OTHER LIFE before the end of the month, so I’m counting it here, of course! On Deck for August For Review    All Things New by Lauren Miller The Dirty Book Club by Lisi Harrison The F Word by Liza Palmer I recently got quite a few books on Negalley, because of course I decide to ruin my percentage JUST when I was getting incredibly close to the 80% pipe dream. I hope to bang out a few of them since I’ve been liking my digital reads lately. I’m not […]

Make Me Read It Readathon | Poll, TBR, and Tracking

Posted July 17, 2017 / Book Challenges, Features, TBR Lists / 8 Comments
Make Me Read It Readathon | Poll, TBR, and Tracking

Hosted by Ely @ Tea & Titles and Val @ The Innocent Smiley /// August 6th to 13th Look at the books you own, either physical, e-book or ones you’ve borrowed from the library and pick out a few you really want to read, or feel like you should read. It’s up to you how many you pick, personally I’d pick a few more than you expect to be able to read in a week. Example: if you think you’ll only read two, pick out five books or if you think you can read seven, pick out ten. Make a list of these books on your blog, or make a video, or a Goodreads shelf or post a picture on Instagram—whatever is easiest for you. Then get friends, other bloggers/booktubers etc. to vote on which books you HAVE to read. When the readathon comes along, you read the books in the order of most votes. For example, if one book gets 10 votes—you read that first, then the one that got 7 and so on. If there’s a tie, then it’s your preference. The goal is to read as many as possible. I’m excited to participate in this readathon for the third year in a row! (See other years here and here if you’re curious.) In the past, I’ve exclusively used books from my shelves and library books. This year, I definitely want to mix in some egalleys and ebooks (since I’m working with less physical copies lately!). I usually rank the books in order […]

Contemporary Romance Challenge – TBR Update

Posted July 12, 2017 / TBR Lists, Uncategorized / 4 Comments
Contemporary Romance Challenge – TBR Update

As usual, I signed up for the Contemporary Romance Reading Challenge, this year hosted by my love Andi. I generally blow this challenge out of the water because over half of the books I read each year would be classified as “contemporary romance” or just plain contemporary fiction. I’ve been trying to make my reading a little more even with fantasy, mystery, and sometimes historical fiction, but it doesn’t happen. I challenged myself this year to read a 21-book-TBR of contemporary romances I couldn’t believe I hadn’t read yet. Here’s how I’ve done so far…   HAHAHA nice work, Lauren.  So, clearly I have some reading to do. I know it will be nearly impossible, knowing me, to actually read the other 19 remaining books on the TBR between now (mid-July) and the end of the year. I just don’t think I’ll motivate myself to do it, especially when I’m trying to prioritize other genres too. This post really just exists to shame myself into reading these damn books: I do HAVE some of these books with me in Portland (either physical copies I brought, galleys on my Kindle, or found them elsewhere like Scribd, the library, or a library-related app). Some of my physical copies are still in Connecticut but I hope I’ll get to them. I think it’s most likely going to be the summery books I get to somewhat soon, since that’s my favorite thing to read. I’m going to try to split this TBR in half to […]