The Bookmark Lit Bulletin wraps up the last month in reading and what was on the blog, as well as what’s coming up next. You can check out my book haul, books read, posts shared, challenge updates, etc. You can read past bulletins here. If you’re looking for more personal updates, you can check out my Lauren Lately feature; it highlights my life events and non-bookish fun from the previous 30 days.
Lol if July was impressive as hell (14 books, 10 of which were completed by the midpoint of the month), August was a big ol’ fail for ya girl. I also didn’t enjoy the VAST majority of August’s books. I should have known I wouldn’t be able to read quite as much based on some my plans, but again, I still feel out of sorts? I’m not feeling quite like myself and don’t have a lot of interest in reading, blogging, being on the internet… I can’t shake it. I’m getting better and back into the swing of things now that my favorite month is here! I also think I’m a little burnt out on book blogging specifically, so my second blog I’ve been thinking about may get going by the end of the year. We’ll see! This blog won’t go anywhere though <3
9 books read in August
8 new reads • 0 reread • 1 DNF
3,461 pages read including 2,286 minutes of audio
Source: 8 owned books {7 review copies}
1 borrowed books {1 review copy}
Formats: 0 hardcovers | 0 paperbacks | 1 ebook
0 audio | 3 read/listen combinations | 3 egalleys | 2 ARCs
Average rating this month: 3.6 stars

Quickest Read

Great Sequel


All of the books from this month:
Check out my 2019 challenge sign-up post for more details, goals, etc.!
Popsugar Reading Challenge
0 read this month | 31 read total | 78% complete
This month: Ghost story
Monthly Motif Challenge
2 read this month | 20 read total
This month: Mode of transportation
Retellings Reading Challenge
1 read this month | 5 read total | 40% complete
This month: A Curse So Dark and Lonely (Beauty and the Beast)
Picky Pledge
My goal is to work on Alexa and Hannah’s Picky Pledge, reading one book from my shelves per month that fits a category on this TBR idea list. (I may read more each month but I’ll just highlight one book and category.)
This month: The Diviners (based on a rec)
Seasonal Bingo
Read this month: NONE – that’s a first!
Breakdown: 0 bought | 0 borrowed | 0 free/gifted | 5 for review
All review copies were provided for free in exchange for an honest review.
For Review
From Entangled Teen: Glow of the Fireflies by Duga
From Berkley via Netgalley: Royal Holiday by Guillory, The Bromance Book Club by Adams
From Forever Romance: Second Chance Summer by Shalvis, The Way You Love Me by Liasson
My recent personal / life update found in the last Lauren Lately HERE.
- [2 Aug] The Life Lucy Knew by Karma Brown ★★★★
- [2 Aug] The Devouring Gray by Christine Lynn Herman ★★★★
- [2 Aug] The Last Book Party by Karen Dukess ★★½
- [14 Aug] When the Light Went Out by Bridget Morrissey ★★★
- [14 Aug] The Last Resort by Marissa Stapley ★★★
- [22 Aug] The Modern Faerie Tales: Tithe, Valiant, and Ironside by Holly Black ★★★
- [26 Aug] A Curse So Dark and Lonely by Brigid Kemmerer ★★★★
- [26 Aug] Well Met by Jen DeLuca ★★★½
- [26 Aug] We Came Here to Forget by Andrea Dunlop ★★½
- [1 Aug] Bookmark Lit Bulletin | July 2019
- [5 Aug] Disney-a-Thon
- [6 Aug] Top Ten Tuesdays #247: Cover Redesigns
- [8 Aug] Book and Blog Traditions
- [13 Aug] Top Ten Tuesdays #248: Characters
- [15 Aug] Lauren Lately | August 2019
- [19 Aug] A Day in the Life (8/14/19)
- [20 Aug] Top Ten Tuesdays #249: Tropes
- [27 Aug] Top Ten Tuesdays #250: Personal Library
- [29 Aug] September TBR
August: Read 10+ ARCs for the monthly challenge
September: Read whatever the hell I want
LOL nice try, Lauren. So I ended up reading less than 10 books for the entire month, and two of those were not ARCs (for readalongs). Whatever. I don’t need to beat myself up over it. For September, I don’t have quite as many reading obligations so my goal is to literally read whatever I want. I’m still ahead on my Goodreads goal and could read less than 10 books if I wanted. I’m just trying to ensure that I enjoy what I read during my favorite month, follow my moods accordingly, and don’t pressure myself to read in general.
Spotlight on Backlist Books | I decided to do a series throughout September where I feature round-ups of my favorite books read from the first four years I had a blog. I tend to forget some of these oldies but goodies when doing TTT posts and other things, so it’s time to highlight them.
Bullet Journal | I’ll be sharing the July and August spreads from my bullet journal. I haven’t been as excitedly working on it as I was before, so I’m not sure if this is the same reading journal I’ll use next year, but I’m definitely still keeping up with it in general.
Read for Grace | I’m planning a readathon-ish thing during October, on Grace’s birthday and for the second half of the month, to read a book in her honor from her TBR. This post will go live a month before the “challenge.”
Summer Bucket List Update | I did a garbage job of doing summery things yet again this year, but I will be shamefully updating you guys on my bucket list. This was also slated to be my summer of lobster rolls (eating 10 total, ideally from 10 different establishments). At the time of writing this, right before Labor Day, I’m halfway there.
Check out my September TBR post! ?
I’m glad you had a good month! I was meant to read mainly ARCs in August as well but instead they only took up a third of my reading. I’m dragging ARCAugust out into September though so I can hopefully make a dent in this massive pile that I have.
[…] ✨ Check out my most recent bookish and bloggy wrap-up HERE ✨ […]