Bookmark Lit Bulletin | November 2022

Posted December 8, 2022 / Bookmark Lit Bulletin, Features, Wrap-Ups / 1 Comment

BL headerThe Bookmark Lit Bulletin wraps up the last month in reading and what was on the blog, as well as what’s coming up next. You can check out my book haul, books read, posts shared, challenge updates, etc. You can read past bulletins here. If you’re looking for more personal updates, you can check out my Lauren Lately feature; it highlights my life events and non-bookish fun from the previous 30 days.

I had a really weird November. I started to get kind of ruthless about DNFing books rather than sticking it out if I wasn’t enjoying myself. I quit two books this past month! I have limited reading time and if I’m not ever in the mood to pick the book up and finish it, why bother avoiding reading? I’d rather WANT to read!

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7 books in November

5 read    0 rereads    2 DNF


Pages read: 2392 •   Average rating: 3.9 stars

Sources: 3 review, 2 BOTM, 1 purchased, 1 borrowed

Formats: 2 egalley, 1 ebook, 1 paperback

Genres: 4 contemporary, 2 mystery/thriller, 1 historical fiction

Age Target: 7 adult



Pleasant Surprise

Light & Fun

Check out my 2022 challenge sign-up post for more details, goals, etc.!

Popsugar Reading Challenge

3 read this month | 32/40 read total

A Season for Second ChancesThe RewindNo Exit

Takes place during your fave season (fall through winter), misleading title
(not actually a rewind like time travel), name of a board game in the title (“No Exit”


Calendar of Crime Challenge 

No ExitYou're Invited 

Word beginning with month’s letter (N), November topic (family relationships)

Breakdown: 2 purchased  | 0 library books | 0 free/gifted | 1 for review
All review copies were provided for free in exchange for an honest review.

For Review

The Good Luck Cafe The Headmaster's List

From Hachette: The Good Luck Cafe by Rains

From Macmillan: The Headmaster’s List by de la Cruz


Window Shopping Five Survive Anon Pls.

Kindle: Window Shopping by Bailey

Physical: Five Survive by Jackson (preordered), Anon Pls by DeuxMoi


How was your reading month?
What do you have up next?

One response to “Bookmark Lit Bulletin | November 2022

  1. Erica

    I almost picked up A Season for Second Chances at Target today but passed it up because I second guessed it — I’ll have to check it out at the library soon.

    I’m excited to see your thoughts on The Headmaster’s List and Five Survive. They book look like phenomenal reads.

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