Series: Harry Potter #5
Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult
Published by Scholastic on June 21st 2003
Also by this author: Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone, Harry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Format: Audiobook (870 pages) • Source: Library
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Harry Potter is due to start his fifth year at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. His best friends Ron and Hermione have been very secretive all summer and he is desperate to get back to school and find out what has been going on. However, what Harry discovers is far more devastating than he could ever have expected...Suspense, secrets and thrilling action from the pen of J.K. Rowling ensure an electrifying adventure that is impossible to put down.
I don’t remember if we preordered this one or if I went to the store and bought it. I can’t imagine that I waited to read it for any reason, so I have a feeling it was delivered on release day. I really can’t believe I was 13 when I first read this. I vividly remember sitting around the pool or on our back porch reading this during the summer vacation.
UGH OBVIOUSLY I REMEMBER THE ENDING OF THIS. The first very very very sad death in the series. Ugh. Stop reading here if for some reason you haven’t read the series: I was so heartbroken when Sirius died. Harry finally had a family, and maybe even a chance to live with him (because finally the Ministry believed them about Voldemort’s return)… and it got plucked away. You cruel woman, JK Rowling. Otherwise I truthfully didn’t remember that much about this book, except for hating Umbridge and everything she did to the school.
My answer stands: because HARRY POTTER! I didn’t think I was mentally ready to reread about Sirius though, so that wasn’t fun. This book is honestly the one that I wasn’t looking forward to rereading as much. Don’t get me wrong, I absolutely loooove the creation of the Order and Dumbledore’s Army – but everything else (Umbridge, Sirius, etc.) depresses me. It’s hard to read a book with such a vicious antagonist (sometimes I think I hate her more than Voldemort).
It goes without saying that I love reading all HP books, but this one took me a whole month. I spent a lot more time watching Netflix before work instead of listening to this. I think I wanted to delay the inevitable ending and the misery that Umbridge puts me through. As of right now, this is my second least favorite (obviously Chamber of Secrets is the least favorite) because not much happens plot-wise. It’s mostly Harry going to class, studying for OWLs, working with Snape on occlumency, and Umbridge being a raging bitch. Maybe that list makes it seem like a lot, but I guess it just felt repetitive and almost boring at times.
Absolutely! This book hurts my feels a lot, compared to the others, so it’ll be harder to read it… but I’m sure I can make it through… (Not to mention what’s going to happen in the next book ugh).
I can’t recommend the audiobooks enough. I’m not sure if you listen to them at all, but the narrator is literally perfect <3
Yaaaaay, Harry Potter! The Order of the Phoenix is probably my favorite book in the series. I just remember how different it seemed compared to the first four. It just seemed more grown up and darker compared to everything else that came before. Plus, Umbridge. Ooooooh! She is probably my favorite villain. I love to hate her!
YES! Exactly 🙂
I am impressed with your reread reviews! Personally, I am rubbish at rereading even though I want to be better at it! I have only recently started this series and worked my way through the first three books – none of which I have liked much yet. I can admire the creativity, and writing, but the books just come across as boring. I have the fourth one and hope it gets better…
The series does get a bit crazier starting with the fourth book, honestly.