Bookmark Lit Bulletin | January 2018

Posted February 1, 2018 / Bookmark Lit Bulletin, Features, Wrap-Ups / 2 Comments

BL headerThe Bookmark Lit Bulletin was created to wrap up each month and prepare for the next. I share my book haul, books I read and reviewed, posts I shared, challenge updates, and more from the previous month. I also let you know what may be coming up on the blog in the coming month. You can read past bulletins here. I recently split out my personal posts into the Lauren Lately feature, so this is a bit shorter!

looking backreading lifeI love kicking off the year with a solid reading month because it just gives me some breathing room. Even though my goal is much lower this year, I still have been in the mood to read like a crazy person. I did read a few books in one day or over the course of two sittings. Snow days and skiing lead to a lot of audiobook listening and/or reading, depending. I’m starting to get a littleee stir crazy though, so hopefully we can pull together some activities for the rest of the winter.

this month in books

14 books read in January

14 new reads   •   0 reread   •   0 DNF
4,765 pages read including 21:03 of audio

Read by source:
6 owned {4 review copies}
8 borrowed {1 review copies}

Read by format:
2 hardcover | 0 paperback | 4 ebooks
0 novellas, short stories, graphic novels
0 audiobooks | 3 read/listen combos
4 egalleys | 1 physical ARCs

14 books read in 2018

14 new reads   •   0 reread   •   0 DNF
4,765 pages read including 21:03 of audio

Read by format:
2 hardcover | 3 audios or mixes
8 digital books or egalleys
1 paperbacks or physical ARCs

Other reading stats:
6 owned books | 8 borrowed books
4 in a series | 10 standalones
8 backlist books | 6 published in 2018

books so far this year

books read

Average rating for books read this month: 3.8 stars

Highlights & Lowlights


Pleasant Surprise

Met Expectations

Most Unique

Least Favorite

This month’s books:
Aristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the UniverseTwelfth NightSurprise MeReturn to the Isle of the LostThe Upside of Falling DownBlackberry SummerTogether at MidnightAs You WishA Taxonomy of LovePretty Dead GirlsAll in PiecesWonder Woman: WarbringerTop TenFoolish Hearts


challenge progress


Netgalley/Edelweiss Challenge

4 this month | 4 read total | Current NG ratio: 73%

Surprise MeThe Upside of Falling DownAs You WishPretty Dead Girls

Popsugar Reading Challenge

10 this month | 10 read total | 25% complete

Return to the Isle of the LostThe Upside of Falling DownTogether at MidnightAristotle and Dante Discover the Secrets of the UniverseTwelfth NightWonder Woman: Warbringer
Surprise Me
Pretty Dead GirlsFoolish HeartsAll in PiecesBlackberry Summer 

Prompts from L-R: Next book in started series, book set in fascinating country, book with a time of day in the title, book with an LGBTQ+ protagonist, book is also a stage play/musical, book with alliteration in the title, book with twin characters, book published in 2018, book you meant to read in 2017, favorite prompt from a 2015-7 challenge (book from an author you love that you haven’t read yet), book with fruit or vegetable in the title

Modern Mrs. Darcy Reading Challenge

3 this month | 3 read total | 25% complete

All in PiecesTwelfth NightFoolish Hearts

Prompts from L-R: Book recommended by someone, book of poetry/a play/essays, book you can read in a day

Winter Bingo Challenge

(I should have also marked off “buddy read” for my book club selection, BTW)

on the blog

Book Reviews

Discussions, Memes, and More

book haul

Breakdown:  5 bought  |  0 borrowed  | 1 free/gifted | 7 for review 

Bookish BoyfriendsValley GirlsStarry EyesThe Sweetest Kind of Fate (Windy City Magic, #2)

Publishers via Netgalley: Bookish Boyfriends by Schmidt, Valley Girls by Lemon, Starry Eyes by Bennett

Egalley for blog tour: The Sweetest Kind of Fate by Crystal Cestari

Publishers: The Opposite of Here by Altebrando, Whisper of the Tide by Tolcser,
The Universe is Expanding and So Am I by Mackler

Young Jane YoungTower of Dawn (Throne of Glass, #6)Far from the TreeThe Casquette Girls (The Casquette Girls #1)Some WomenDear Dwayne, With LoveSave the Date

Kindle books (gift card): Young Jane Young by Zevin, Tower of Dawn by SJM,
Far from the Tree by Benway, The Casquette Girls by Arden (free!), Some Women by Liebert,
Dear Dwyane with Love by Gordon, The Big F by Martin

Preordered: Wires and Nerve Vol. 2 by Marissa Meyer


life update

✨ Check out my most recent personal life wrap-up HERE ✨

Life Happenings | Media Addictions | Goals | Favorites | Life Ahead

month in pictures

Wrestling-themed NYE | Book and coffee | Hotel work life | Chillin with Bigfoot
Painting pottery | Jalapeno popper bites | Working from bed | Beer, books, and coffee shop

looking ahead

Top Blog Posts Coming Up

Operation COYER & Kindle Books I Forgot About | I was inspired by a couple of bloggers to share some of the ebooks on my Kindle that I completely forget about, and my mission to finally read (or delete) some of them… annnnd how all of that fits in with my other reading goals for the year!

Seasonal Book Club | Inspired by an old TTT that we did about book clubs, I wanted to make a new year’s reading list inspired by the months. A couple of examples: something about “new beginnings” in January and a lovey-dovey kind of book in February.

Planner Impact on 2018 Reading | I’ve only been using my bookish planner for a month now, obviously, but I can already see how it is impacting my reading. Let’s just say that the first month I write a TBR in a planner and track new releases = the first month I actually finish all the books on my TBR. And more!

Degrees of Separation / Meet Cutes and 101 in 1001 | I keep bumping these posts off because I generally LIKE them but I haven’t been itching to post them. Sorry? I definitely will have them for February though because I have almost nothing scheduled for the month at this point, which is weird for me.

Favorite Series | I do some review round-ups when I binge-read a series but it’s been a while since I’ve actually laid out my favorite series. I’ll be starting a mini feature on the blog for a few Mondays in a row (I think) where I talk about my favorite series pre-blogging and then during blogging years.

Top Books on the TBR

Check out my February TBR post! ?

How was your January?
Anything good planned for February?

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