Holidays 2021 | To Read & Watch

Posted November 12, 2021 / Book Lists, Features, TBR Lists / 1 Comment

Usually I’m getting jazzed up for Christmas in September and forcing myself to wait until at least Halloween, but this year I’ve been feeling weird! I’m not super duper into the holiday spirit like I expected, post-Halloween. I’ve been listening to my holiday music since 11/1 and hopefully reading some holiday books at the end of the month PLUS decorating this week will be helpful. Here we go – onto the usual holiday fun and plans!

Here’s a roundup of ALL of the holiday books I may read, including review copies (both backlist and current year), new releases, and backlist titles that have intrigued me.

I have one or two review copies from last year and then the rest were this year’s holiday releases. As usual, most come out in October or November and I’m always late to read them. I definitely will be getting to all of the 2021 holiday ARCs I have though because I’m super excited for them!

I usually know that I’ll only get to a couple new releases that aren’t review copies, just based on timing of reading! However, I decided to keep a bunch of them here to browse and remind myself. There are a TON of amazing holiday books – I think I’ll go ahead and request some of these from the library!

I didn’t read any of the backlist copies I had on here last year, and so many keep carrying over! The two books in the right column are 2020 releases I didn’t get to, so we’ll see.

I join holiday-themed readathons or challenges each year usually, but I haven’t yet identified any for this year. Not sure if they just haven’t been announced yet or if I haven’t seen them… I’ll do some investigating soon!

Check out my full list of 2021 releases HERE!

Here are some upcoming holiday movies I’m excited to watch this year, plus others I may have missed from the previous years. I’m not including Hallmark movies here just because I will probably watch as many as possible, and I may keep track in another blog post like I’ve done in the past to round up weekly.

These are upcoming or previously released Netflix movies I haven’t gotten to yet. There are a number of great-sounding movies here but for whatever reason, we watch some of our old favorites and don’t watch newer movies unless they’re Hallmark.

This is the same graphic every single year because I still managed to miss some last year, plus I want to rewatch others. I won’t get to all of these, of course, but hopefully most!

I like to include this section now because it allows you to see other book and movie reviews, as well as general holiday happenings around the blog. Hopefully you can use this post in general and the ones linked below to curate YOUR holiday reading or watching lists!

Book Reviews (alphabetical):

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